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Enzo’s Brave Battle Against Heart Failure and a Heartbreaking Loss – Support the Family | Donate Today

Dear All,

After living between hope and fear for almost two months, Enzo lost a terribly unfair battle on September 28, 2023….

At the end of July, during a week away, Enzo falls ill. There is no fever, but he still looks very ill. Such that his parents, Anke and Leonardo, contacted the doctor. From that moment on things go very quickly. Enzo is referred to the emergency room and has to stay there overnight. In the days that follow, the doctors’ concerns grow and at a certain point the tests reveal that there is heart failure. Many medications, infections and other problems later, unfortunately there is still no progress in Enzo’s heart function. Everything is tried to move in the right direction one step at a time.

In the last week, Enzo’s blood pressure drops to a worryingly low level. This has caused his kidneys to flare up considerably and his heart values ​​have risen. Unfortunately, this means very bad news. The biggest nightmare becomes reality: the doctors can no longer do anything for Enzo.

Enzo has been ill a lot in his far too short life, but this has never been linked to this heart failure. It’s pure ‘accident’, and that makes it incredibly unfair and harsh. And that is of course putting it mildly. Words are inadequate to describe how horrible this loss is.

Enzo fought so hard, he was strong and fought so hard for his life. His parents, family and other relatives are extremely proud of him. We can also express pride in Enzo’s parents. Anke and Leonardo, you have been so strong together in recent months. I have seen so much strength in you. You’ve done a fantastic job, and you’re still doing a fantastic job.

Nothing makes this loss more bearable, but of course the family can use some support. The donations will be used to create as many precious memories as possible for the future.

Thank you very much in advance for reading the story and for a possible donation.

2023-09-29 17:11:05
#Memories #brave #warrior #Enzo #organized #Nicky #van #Hal

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