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Environment: Green elected official proposes “real” CO2 tax – Switzerland

The Green Christophe Clivaz defends the introduction of a “real” incentive tax on fuels. But aware of the inequality of such a measure for those who are underserved, he suggests reimbursing those who live far from public transport.

“A resident of Geneva or Zurich would receive no rebate while those who live at the bottom of an underserved valley would receive maximum compensation,” said the Valais national councilor on Saturday in an interview with Le Temps. This redistribution mechanism would thus take into account the location of households and their distance from public transport.

But this plan, Christophe Clivaz reserves it for the “day when we introduce a real incentive tax on fuels, which is not yet provided for in the CO2 law we are debating” currently. This currently foresees an increase in the price of fuels from 10 to 12 cents and the creation of a climate fund partially financed by the revenues from the CO2 tax.

To “change behaviors”

What Christophe Clivaz calls “a first step”. But “for there to be a real incentive effect, it would take 5 to 10 cents more each year, as shown by a study by EPFL,” he adds. The main purpose of these taxes is “to change behavior, to put cleaner vehicles on the market, to make more use of public transport”. If the consumer changes his habits, he “will not have any effect. For the less virtuous, the amounts provided remain moderate ”.

Per capita, Switzerland remains one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases. But half of our carbon footprint comes from abroad through the products we import, explains Christophe Clivaz.

For him, Switzerland must demand, within the framework of the international agreements which it signs, ecological and social conditions of production similar to ours. In addition, estimates the Valaisan, it has the means to develop techniques respectful of the environment, for transport or the capture of CO2. (Ps / nxp)

Created: 01.02.2020, 05h00

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