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Environment: a gathering planned in Angers on March 19

As part of the “global climate strike” scheduled for Friday March 19, the Youth for Climate Angers collective is calling for a rally at the Jardin du Mail from 2 p.m.

Angers climate march

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The global Friday For Future movement will lead to many demonstrations across the planet on Friday March 19. In Angers, activists from the Youth for Climate Angers organization will also mobilize.

« The desire to vegetate, to provide information on the climate emergency, on local ecocidal projects, on polluting companies, and on the exploitation of capitalism on Earth and on people will be the heart of our mobilization. In addition, we will demand that the measures proposed by the citizens’ climate convention be really applied. We are therefore asking for real political decisions, as proposed by the CCC and this requires, among other things, more abundant vegetation in the cities. », Explains the movement.

In February 2019, the youth movement on strike for the “climate” started. For Youth for Climate Angers “ before the health crisis, the situation was already alarming. deeply distressed by the disastrous state of our world and revolted by the inaction of political powers, we have demonstrated by hundreds of thousands and have gone so far as to carry out actions of civil disobedience. The government has treated us with contempt. »

With other movements, organizations and associations linked to the ecological struggle, the collective meets with the Angevins at the Jardin du Mail from 2 p.m. for a rally.

« This is only one of the first meetings to get out of our loneliness and our confusion. We would like it to make it possible to lay the foundations for the ecological society to which we aspire and to force the “old world” to disappear forever. This involves more green cities in order to bring biodiversity back to light and allow temperatures to be lowered for the heat waves to come. », Conclude the activists.

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