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Entrepreneurship event to support young people in Chicago and 29 other cities in the US. | Video | Univision Chicago WGBO

luis: it’s time to callthe Congress men. during thenext week they will have thefuture in hands.alex: let’s move on to another theme ofbusiness. how do we know how to open abusiness does not arise overnightthe morning. before you have tohave a dream. many timesIt starts from a very young age. forit, a leadership programis supporting now girlsteens to achieve thisdream. to be able to talk about whatIt is about today theChicago Deputy Director.very good days.thanks for joining us.good morning. Thanks for thechance.alex: tell us a bit forwhat is open thisprogram and also what couldlearn in workshops withthose that this program has.í, it is a summit ofannual organized leadershipalso by the university ofIllinois in Chicago. thatopen to girls, adolescents,ages 14 to 16 whoThey live and study in Chicago.the participants areselect through a processof request. there is no cost forattend the summit. aroundwhat theparticipants interact betweení and with business leadersthrough virtual workshopsand presentations on theactivism and leadership. thepresenters with whomwe participate are womenleaders in a variety offields and of different originswhich are flexible wings forshare your stories andprovide participantsadvice and suggestionsleadership practices. to whatweek long toothey work in groups that thenpresents.Alex: why do you think it is soimportant to learn fromleadership and entrepreneurship,especially at such an ageearly? we talk about14-year-old girls.and definitely powershow these teens thebreadth of possibilities thatit is invaluable.they also learn toolspractices that serve in thefuture, for example, putfinal project that I mention. insubgroups have people whohave just met or comes fromdifferent origins, livingin different parts of the world,they have different styles ofjob. to work togetherlearn how to manage yourtime, how to communicateeffectively, how to get toagreements. the teenagers whothey have participated in our summitthey have been able to carry thesetools and get donemany wonderful things intheir communities. some havestarted their ownnon-profit organizationsprofit.alex: we are running out of time.before we go, please yeahcan’t say how can theyregister and even when.we just extended thedeadline, used to be the 28thFebruary, but now it’s the 14thof March. can visitour website so we can

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