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Entrepreneurs: Polish ad is not a reform, but a huge propaganda operation

Łukasz Bernatowicz, vice-president of the Business Center Club, criticized some of the solutions to be introduced by the Polish Order. According to the representative of BCC, the government intends to finance the increase of the free amount tax by introducing higher loads on the average entrepreneurs.

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Entrepreneurs do not agree to the Polish Deal. “The government pretends not to hear”

– We are in favor of increasing the tax exempt amount and the second tax threshold, but we categorically object to imposing the costs of increasing these two parameters on entrepreneurs through a 9% health insurance contribution. We consistently repeat it, and the government either pretends not to hear it or tells us directly to indicate an alternative source of financing – said Interia.

He also explained that it is not the role of companies to seek funding for government ideas. – We are an organization of entrepreneurs and our members do not expect us to advise on how to finance the government’s reform program and show the finger who to take money to finance these plans, he said.

Companies evaluate the Polish Order: No new ideas

The representative of BCC also stated that despite earlier meetings with government representatives, there were no new proposals from the government.

– Despite the fact that a week has passed since the last meeting with Prime Minister Morawiecki, we watched the same presentation shown by Minister Sarnowski and we did not hear about any new ideas on how to meet our demands – he said. In his opinion, the Polish Deal may be an inflationary impulse, not a developmental one.

Entrepreneurs: The Polish Deal is a propaganda campaign

The changes to be introduced by the new PiS program have also been criticized by the Employers of Poland. – The Polish Deal is not a reform, but a gigantic propaganda operation – said Dr. Wojciech Warski, Chairman of the Platform Gospodarka Przyszłość and a member of the Employers’ Council of the Republic of Poland on Polsat News. – If it is said that the driving force behind the development of the economy is investment, that the economy is to rebound in conditions where supply chains are broken, then a sane government should even unfold the red carpet for those who can actually do it – he added.

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