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Entrepreneurs are concerned about the transition period of the deposit system / Article

The deposit system operator urges beverage manufacturers and importers not to hesitate to adapt packaging to the system. The first beverage packages eligible for delivery are currently registered. Companies in the industry, on the other hand, are worried about the transition period in the first half of next year, when stores will have goods with and without a deposit label and fee at the same time.

Entrepreneurs are concerned about the transition period of the deposit systemCynthia Ambote, LR1

So far, agreements have been signed with more than 250 companies on the management of deposit packaging, which creates approximately 80% of the total amount of packaging to be transferred in Latvia. Miks Stūrītis, Chairman of the Board of SIA “Depozītapakojuma operators”, points out that the first customized packages have also been registered in the system. Deposit system will start operating 1 February 2022, but the system’s creators call on beverage manufacturers and importers not to delay contracting, as the registration of packaging and the necessary design changes may take time.

“We expect that in Latvia more than 5,000 different packages will have to be registered in total. This means that packers will have to prepare labels with a deposit mark and also customize the barcode. In most cases, barcodes are small, but the deposit system requires industrial compliance. standard, “explains Corner.

Dāvis Vītols, Executive Director of the Latvian Alcohol Industry Association, points out that most companies are preparing to implement the system, but at the same time are worried about how market participants will be affected by the transition in the first half of next year: “Challenge in this transition period [būs]how to indicate to traders its prices for one product with and without deposit. Until what date will merchants also be open to accept this product without a deposit and what will be their policy !? I think we will still talk to traders about this and we will agree. “

The transition period will last until August next year, when beverage packages will be available on store shelves both with and without a deposit sign, says Stūrītis.

However, after August 1, it will no longer be possible to sell drinks without these deposit certificates. During the transition period, buyers will indeed have to follow up and look for the deposit mark on the packaging, because that is exactly what can be handed over.

Also, the first 100 have already been installed in some stores taromats and a total of about 800 automatic packaging acceptance points are planned to be installed, and the operator is starting to enter into agreements with those traders who are mostly located in rural areas and will accept deposit packaging manually.


In October 2020 approved by the government the rules of the beverage packaging deposit system. The deposit system in Latvia will start operating in February 2022. Knownthat the goods included in the packaging deposit system on store shelves will become ten cents more expensive, because this is exactly how it will be possible to recover by handing over the emptied bottle or can.

Competed in the competition of the beverage packaging deposit system operator two applicants: SIA “Depozīta packaging product operator”, which belongs to the largest beverage producers, and the company “Nulles depozīts”, where the owners in turn have representatives of the waste business.

State Environmental Service in the tender decided to entrust the beverage packaging deposit system to SIA “Depozīta packaging product operator” for a period of seven years.

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