Home » today » Business » Entrepreneurs and scientists in Latvia have created a device for preserving odors

Entrepreneurs and scientists in Latvia have created a device for preserving odors

Imagine being able to capture the scent of your favorite meadow or the aroma of your favorite pastry shop. There are people in Latvia who have turned this seemingly fantastic idea into reality! In collaboration with entrepreneurs, scientists from the University of Latvia (LU) and Riga Technical University (RSU), a working version of the first perfume chamber has already been created.

An invention that will hopefully irritate more than one human nasal receptor is in a suitcase. The author of the idea and the person who drives this project – Sandris Mūriņš – emphasizes that this suitcase is ready for operation, but still a variant of the invention: “As you can see, it is not a product, it is a demonstration of technology, we will start working on design soon. “

Sandris, in cooperation with RTU design experts, plans that in the final version this equipment will be much smaller and more convenient. However, the main function of preserving odors is already performed by the invention. Using a small pump, the necessary smell is, so to speak, captured in the cartridge, where it can be stored until it needs to be released again.

“This cartridge has a specific chemical element that absorbs and attracts molecules, and they are stored here. The moment you want to smell and release the scent, then it heats up this sorbent and he separates those scent molecules, ”says the author of the idea of ​​the invention.

Sandris Mūriņš points out that in cooperation with the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Latvia, tests have been performed and the smell has been preserved for two months. However, everything shows that perfumes can easily be stored for even longer: “This camera is like an analog camera, similar to an analog camera. She keeps the scent. ”

The author of the idea of ​​the invention explains that the task of his team is to create a consumer product. So that, like pictures, everyone can save samples of perfume: “This is the basic thing that the scents of life are captured so that they can then be accessed again.”

Already this spring, RTU designers are expected to create a much more compact version of the perfume chamber. However, when this invention will appear on store shelves, it is too early to say, but sometime it will definitely happen.

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