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Entrepreneurial Couple Fights Municipal Battle Over Fratellini: Shop or Restaurant?

Is it a shop, a restaurant – or something in between? For six months now, entrepreneurial couple Simone and Michael have been at loggerheads with the municipality, who believe that the business is ‘too focused on catering’. Initially, the doors were supposed to be closed tomorrow, but at the eleventh hour there is now another two week delay.


A shop where you can buy both Italian delicacies and topped focaccias. That probably best describes the description of Fratellini in the Haarlemmerstraat.


But for a while you could also eat that sandwich on a stool in or on a sofa in front of the company, and maybe a glass of prosecco was served. And that is not allowed according to the district, which labeled the activities as catering and not as retail. While Michael Eman and Simone Remmers thought almost two years ago that they were renting a building on which a so-called mixing formula rests, so both are allowed.

“It was unknown to us at the time of signing our lease and in the beginning – and nowhere to be found”

Michael Remmers, owner Fratellini

“Apparently there is still an umbrella zoning plan of only this neighborhood above. It was unknown to us at the time of signing our lease and in the beginning – and nowhere to be found,” says Eman in his case.

So no mixed formula, because the city wants to fight monoculture and ‘nutella shops’ without added value for the city. But in the little two years that Fratellini has been in the area, it is not only the tourist, but also the neighborhood that has come to appreciate the business very much.

So Eman and Remmers wanted to cooperate ‘constructively’ with the municipality. The crutches have been removed, but the photos with tasty focaccias, which is also not allowed, are still there.

“We are not allowed to spread sandwiches, or focaccias, in plain view of the guest”

Michael Remmers, owner Fratellini

The conflict now seems to focus on whether or not entrepreneurs are allowed to prepare focaccias in the case. Eman: “Now they even think that if the stock in the display case is empty, what are you going to do? Because we are not allowed to spread sandwiches, or focaccias, in sight of the guest.”


In the opinion of the district, the change plans were not moving fast enough, which is why officials announced last week that they would have the locks replaced tomorrow. In the course of today, the district suddenly communicated that this period will now be extended by another two weeks.

Remmers and Eman are now going crazy and fear a scenario that also affected the Seafood Shop in Leidsestraat. Eman: “They finally won after a long litigation, but by then it was already too late. And now there is a candy store. I don’t have the financial resources to litigate, that just isn’t possible. If we can’t rectify this with the municipality, then it’s just end of story.”

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2023-08-14 18:14:00
#Conflict #focaccia #case #Haarlemmerstraat #escalates #Municipality #replace #locks #tomorrow

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