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Entomologist discovers sparkling beetle surprise

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Two sparkling beetle species from Brazil are causing excitement and even awe on the Internet. A similar species can also be found in Europe.

Rio de Janeiro – The breathtaking diversity of the animal world always offers fascinating insights. Insects, although often perceived as unpleasant and annoyingare true wonders of nature. There are already many examples of this, from glowing fireflies to colorful butterflies and exotically patterned beetles. In Brazil, an entomologist recently discovered two particularly unusual specimens, which he shared on social media.

Glittering and shimmering insect spotted in Brazil: Beetle looks like a piece of jewelry

Bart Coppens, a self-described entomologist, found a green beetle this summer that literally “glitters”. InstagramHe shared a video on his Instagram page. The entire body of the beetle looks like it is covered in glitter. Depending on the lighting, it shimmers in yellow or green tones.

But that’s not all: In the same video, the entomologist presents a second beetle shortly afterwards, which looks at least as unusual. Instead of a completely glittering body, this animal looks as if it were decorated with individual rhinestones. Symmetrical, circular green dots stand out from its black body and, depending on its movement, also glitter like diamonds in the light.

Coppens explained in his post that he had seen both specimens in Brazil. They therefore belong to the weevil family. The first beetle is a glitter weevil, scientifically known as “Phaops sp.”. The second beetle is a crystal weevil, also known as “Entimus sp.”.

“The most beautiful Brazilian beetle I have ever seen”: Similar species also at home in Europe

The two discoveries fascinated more than just the entomologist. Many people expressed great admiration in the comments on the video. One user wrote, for example: “This is the most beautiful Brazilian beetle I have ever seen.” Another user said almost reverently: “I love planet Earth. How can it have such beautiful creatures, with such beautiful colors and patterns? Simply breathtaking.” The comments also included a joke or two about Brazil. “They are definitely ready for the Brazilian carnival!” commented one user.

An entomologist came across a breathtaking weevil in Brazil. © IMAGO / Cavan Images (left) // Instagram @coppensb (right)

Sensational beetle from Brazil – Similar beetle also occurs in Europe

In Europe, there is a species of weevil that looks very similar to the Brazilian specimen. According to the Donau-Auen National Park in Austria, this is the “green weevil” (Phyllobius sp). “The scales, which cover the entire body surface with a thick, shiny coat, can also be blue-green, gold-green or copper-colored,” according to the information on the Website of the national park.

The species is widespread throughout Europe, except in the far north and in Siberia, and can also be regularly observed in the Austrian national park southeast of the capital Vienna. With a bit of luck, such a find in Germany is not so far-fetched.

In Hesse, another beetle is the focus of the “insect summer”. Anyone who wants to can count the six-legged creatures for the nature conservation organization and report them to NABU. (nz)

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