Home » today » News » Entire region: Peak workload: construction workers in the region work more than employees across all other professions – IG BAU launches a “call to the voting booth” with a film on the subject of retirement: “… iXen go!”

Entire region: Peak workload: construction workers in the region work more than employees across all other professions – IG BAU launches a “call to the voting booth” with a film on the subject of retirement: “… iXen go!”

Construction workers do a “peak workload”: per capita construction workers in Freiburg work an average of 1,495 hours per year (204 hours and thus 15.8 percent) more than employees across all professions spend on average at work, in the Emmendingen district an average of 1,469 hours per year (184 hours and thus 14.3 percent more), in the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald an average of 1,484 hours per year (198 hours and thus 15.4 percent more), in the Ortenau district an average of 1,488 hours per year (160 hours and thus 12 percent more), in the district of Lörrach an average of 1,461 hours a year (162 hours and thus 12.5 percent more), in the Schwarzwald-Baar district an average of 1,470 hours a year (131 hours and thus 9.8 percent more) and in the district of Waldshut an average of 1,453 hours per year (167 hours and thus 13 percent more).
This has been pointed out by the Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt industrial union. The IG BAU Südbaden refers to the current labor market monitor of the Institute for Economic and Social Sciences (WSI) of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation. In it, the scientists made a working time analysis for 2019 – the year before the corona pandemic.

“The construction is therefore one of the industries with a peak in working hours,” says Ilse Bruttel. The district chairwoman of IG BAU Südbaden assumes that the number of hours that construction workers work has actually actually increased: “During the pandemic, there was an enormous backlog of orders in the construction industry. For many construction workers, overtime is the order of the day anyway. “

The WSI’s labor market monitor also provides a comparison with the public service, the education sector and the health sector: According to this, 229 hours more per person per year are worked on the building in Freiburg than in these sectors, in the Emmendingen district 275 hours per person Year, in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district 319 hours per capita per year, in the Ortenau district 238 hours per capita per year, in the Lörrach district 245 hours per capita per year, in the Schwarzwald-Baar district 171 hours per capita per year.
“This is mainly due to the fact that the following applies to construction: either completely or not at all. Full-time plus overtime – that’s the rule: there is no such thing as a ‘half-time mason’. Part-time models do not work for long journeys to the construction site of 60 kilometers or more, ”says Ilse Bruttel.

This means that construction workers “work extremely long and extremely hard at a time”. The physical strain in the course of a professional life is enormous in construction: “Hardly a roofer makes it to retirement. Only one in ten still works between the ages of 60 and 65. On average, construction workers have to retire before 59, although they should actually hold out until 67. They simply end up physically years earlier and then have to accept severe reductions in their pension, “says Ilse Bruttel from IG BAU Südbaden.

In addition to the lower pension, there is also a lower life expectancy. This is particularly drastic for men. Statistically, for example, a civil servant lives 5.6 years longer than a worker. He also gets his pension correspondingly longer. That emerges from a current study by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW). “Work hard and then end up receiving less pension for a shorter period of time – that has to end,” demands Ilse Bruttel.

“The construction in the entire region is typical for the high number of hours worked in the construction industry. Those who work harder and harder should end up getting a higher pension than they do today. The new federal government must therefore tackle the pension from autumn and put it on a new footing: We must finally prevent poverty in old age more effectively. And a lower life expectancy also has to be compensated for, ”demands the Federal Chairman of IG BAU, Robert Feiger. He advocates a “fundamental pension reform”: “The reset button must be pressed for the pension. What is needed is a pension fund into which everyone pays – workers, employees, self-employed, civil servants, parliamentarians and ministers: the foreman as well as the professor and the politician. “

In order for this to happen, a message is important: “You can choose a safe and good pension,” says Feiger. The IG BAU boss therefore appeals to “take a critical look at the parties’ election programs and listen carefully to what comes from those who want to join the Bundestag and the Chancellery”. The parties’ goals for retirement are very different. The union has therefore now made a “call to the voting booth” – election clips with the request: “… go iXen!”. They are film spots with bizarre scenes and strange characters – like the “marathon slave” on a construction site who, at the age of 78, still has to haul sacks on the construction site. The comment: “Germany, your pensioners. As long as they are still breathing, they should also work. “

IG BAU is making a “wake-up call to vote”: “It’s about getting to the heart of the problems that people are burning to get to the heart of the matter – with a wink. Whether by postal vote at the kitchen table or on September 26th in the voting booth: It is important that people vote, ”says IG BAU Federal Chairman Robert Feiger.

-IG BAU-Homepage: www.igbau.de/Rente-wählen
– Download-Link: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZwS0lXZeREpM9omqeRY5lROjCQOUL30tt37
– YouTube-Link: https://youtu.be/fgOaFnPf_eM

(Press release: Construction-Agricultural-Environment Industrial Union, District Association of South Baden, 21.09.2021)

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