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Entire region: Building sustainably with mineral building materials – Solid UNIT presents sample projects and building material innovations

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“If you want to build sustainably, you don’t have to forego the advantages of mineral building materials,” emphasizes Thomas Möller, CEO of solid UNIT, the network for innovative solid construction in Baden-Württemberg. “Even climate-positive buildings are very well possible with mineral building materials,” Möller continues. The heat-storing effect of solid ceilings and walls has a very positive effect on the energy consumption of a building. This results in a smaller ecological footprint during the use phase. Through component or concrete core activation, additional thermal energy can be stored in the building and made available for later use. The house itself becomes a kind of battery. The “2226” office building in Lustenau, made of monolithic brick walls and reinforced concrete ceilings, even manages without heating, ventilation or cooling thanks to component activation.

In addition, mineral building materials can score with their regional availability and their high recycling potential. “The new Mercedes-Benz“ Factory 56 ”production hall in Sindelfingen was designed with an exposed concrete facade made of R-concrete, which consists of 100 percent recycled aggregate. In Switzerland, a start-up company is currently developing an R-concrete that can even store large amounts of CO2! And these are just some of the current building material innovations in sustainable solid construction, ”explains Thomas Möller.

Solid UNIT is an association of representatives from the construction industry and the building materials industry as well as universities, research institutes and chambers. The aim of solid UNIT is to further advance innovations in research and development through closer networking of the partners and to bring them increasingly to use on construction sites. At the center of the network are so-called network teams, each of which works together in special subject areas, such as CO2 savings, resource management or digitization on the construction site.

Further information on solid UNIT is available at www.solid-unit.de.

(Press release: Baden-Württemberg construction industry, November 25, 2020)

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