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Enter at 05.30, NTT Disdikbud Employees Still Go Home at 16.00


East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) employees started Enter the office at 5:30 a.m. Although go to office when the sun has not yet risen, they still go home in the afternoon as usual.

“Yes, as usual, he went home in the afternoon, namely at 16.00 WITA,” said the Head of the NTT Disdikbud Linus Lusi after the morning sun with employees at the NTT Disdikbud Office, as reported by detikBaliMonday (6/3/2023).

According to Linus, the presence of NTT Disdikbud employees on the first day of implementing the policy go to office at 05.30 WITA reached 99 percent. He admitted that he would prepare sanctions for employees who arrived late.

“This is the first time the rules have been implemented, but attendance has reached 99 percent. The matter of sanctions for those who are late is regulated in the regulations, but they are implemented slowly,” he added.

Linus hopes that the policy of entering the office at dawn can improve performance and services at the NTT Education and Culture Office. “Hopefully it will bring changes in our internals when carrying out services,” said Linus.

monitoring detikBali, a number of NTT Disdikbud employees came to the office located on Jalan Jenderal Soeharto Naikoten I, Kupang City, using private vehicles. Some also use public transportation. As soon as they arrive, they immediately fill in the digital attendance or absence list.

Read more here.


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