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Enrique Urquijo starred in the TVE Essentials

On November 17, 2001, sad news shook the world of music in Spain. Enrique Urquijo, leader and founder of the group Los Secretos, and one of the most admired voices of his generation, was found dead in a doorway on Madrid’s Calle del Espíritu Santo.

20 years later, his legacy remains intact in the voice of his former group, led by his brother Álvaro. This Sunday, the ‘Essentials’ program of TVE honored the missing musician with a documentary about his figure.

A own production of RTVE, with a lot of unreleased material from the life of what is one of the most admired musicians of the 80s and 90s. –

Through the voices of his own siblings, his schoolmates, his teachers and his friends, the film delves into the atypical personality of Enrique Urquijo, someone with an apparently fragile character, who found in music the way to escape from a world in which he never quite fit.

In just one hour, the program reviews the trajectory of someone who was a musician with an irregular but always outstanding production, whether in front of Los Secretos or with his most personal project, Problems, with whom he released two other albums.

The documentary takes the name of one of his most exciting songs, ‘To be a child again’, and has been led by Miki White and Javier Jado.

The audience responded to the call, and the program achieved its second best data of the whole year with a 3.7% share. 595,000 spectators attended the event with what continues to be one of the most relevant composers of Spanish popular music.

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