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Enrique Alfaro asks for a review of coronavirus figures in Jalisco

Mexico City /

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After demand the resignation of the undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell, and question that Jalisco is at a red light, Governor Enrique Alfaro indicated that he does not want a fight with the federation, but that the figures on the covid-19 pandemic in the entity be reviewed, which he affirmed, would have to be in orange alert.

“I would like to say clearly that our fight, our position is not in the spirit of fighting, we have enough to deal with the health and economic crises, doing it alone, as to fight with the federal government. We want to say to the President, ‘Mr. President, we want to close ranks with you, with Mexico, but López-Gatell lies to the country“” (…) We do not want to fight, we want the President to realize the reason for our position and especially me, after opening a stage of dialogue, not by actions of this gentleman we are going to lose relations with the government of the Republic ”, said the president in an interview with Azucena Uresti for Grupo Fórmula.

This morning, the governor published a video in which he presented data on the pandemic in Jalisco and said he did not understand why the entity remains red, if there are better indicators than a majority of the states that are at this alert level. .

“For a long time we did not take into account the federal traffic light, the problem is that a week ago they wanted to threaten us to tell us that they were going to go through the criminal route. (…) What is happening is that it is a terrible signal that generates confusion. Imagine seeing an official turn your state red when you have been reactivating for two months, ”he commented.

Regarding what said by Hugo López-Gatell after the letter in which nine governors demanded his resignation, Alfaro noted that “it is very easy to say that the governors are stressed“And he maintained that what he wants is for them to explain why the entity remains red.

He reiterated that he is not seeking a confrontation with the federal government and said he is confident that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador will review the pandemic figures in the entity to rectify the level of alert.

In addition, he announced that although it was planned that the school year would begin in the entity on August 17, it will work to be in harmony with what was announced today by the Secretary of Public Education, Esteban Moctezuma, who said that the next cycle will begin on the 24th of August.


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