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Enrichment of data from Covid vaccine data

Progression of vaccination rates for people with co-morbidities within one month

As of June 27, 71.4% of people aged 18 and over suffering from at least one serious and / or chronic pathology have received a first dose of vaccine against Covid-19, almost 12 points more compared to May 23 (against +18.1 points for the entire population aged 20 and over to reach 63% of first-time vaccinees). Given the already high level of vaccination coverage of these populations, this favorable development should be underlined.

The rates of the first injection have increased significantly for several categories of people with comorbidity exposing them to a risk of severe form of Covid-19: + 15.7 points for severe obesity, + 14.2 points for psychiatric illnesses and neurological, + 9.5 points for cystic fibrosis and for cardio-metabolic diseases and + 8.1 points for trisomy 21 as for people in treatment for active cancers.

In addition, as of June 27, on average, 55.8% of people with at least one comorbid condition reported a complete vaccination course, 22.8 points more than on May 23. By way of comparison in the general population, 41.3% of those aged 20 and over have completed their vaccination cycle.

However, less progressions are observed in patients suffering from certain pathologies: this is particularly the case of dyalised people or those who have had a lung transplant whose vaccination rate for the first injection has increased by + 4.6 points and by + 4.5 points for dialysis patients.

This weaker catch-up can however be explained by a more limited margin of progress since the people suffering from these diseases had already mostly passed the first injection. Thus, people who have had a lung transplant are 82.7% to have a complete vaccination schedule as of June 27, as for people on dialysis, they are 76.1%.

Finally, although the vaccination coverage rate of people with psychiatric and neurological diseases has jumped forward, it is still insufficient with regard to the risk of developing a severe form of Covid-19 to which they expose. For example, on June 27, people with a psychiatric disorder that began in childhood are only 51.5% to have received a first injection and 31.5% with a completed vaccination schedule.

Help local actors in the vaccination campaign with detailed geographic data

The more the vaccination coverage of the French population increases, the more actions in favor of vaccination must be targeted to reach as closely as possible those who have not yet passed the milestone of the first injection. This is why the National Health Insurance Fund enriches Covid vaccine date vaccination rates by place of residence of the 1,254 EPCIs in France as well as the districts and municipalities bordering the three most populous cities in the country, Paris (2), Lyon and Marseille (3). This new mesh makes it possible to update more significant territorial differences, which can go up to 30 points against 8 to 10 points of difference depending on the region.

Indeed, the regional vaccination rates are now also available, thus making it possible to compare the vaccination coverage of the inhabitants of the departments with those of the region to which they are attached.

In addition, whatever their level of geographical breakdown, all of these data, dated June 20, 2021 for the EPCIs and June 27 for the departments and regions, can be sorted by age group, thus providing a detailed view of the geographic vaccination coverage of the territory according to the age of the population.

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