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‘Enough with the spurious controversies on the Interuniversity Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery’

We receive and publish the signed letter *

We defend our University in its entirety, we avoid sterile controversies and we work together to promote our University, looking at the collective regional needs.

Spurious polemics damage our image and nullify the results achieved so far, of which the whole region is proud.
The inter-university degree course in Medicine and Surgery was born as a collaboration between the Universities of Catanzaro and Cosenza. The first three years of the degree course will be activated in Cosenza, while the last few years will be held in Catanzaro, where the only hospital accredited to host a Faculty of Medicine and Surgery resides.
A total number of places will be assigned to the inter-university master’s degree course that will not be subtracted in Catanzaro: Unicz will keep its approximately 300 places intact while Calabrian students who dream of studying medicine and surgery will be able to take advantage of this new opportunity. which sees the Calabria region enriching itself with a new university reality, also adding health resources in a land where the shortages of doctors and health professionals (also in light of the current difficult condition) have prompted an ever increasing demand for assistance and care for the citizens.

Thanks to the scientific results achieved, the training offer and the commitment of all the professionals who work within it, the University of Catanzaro has conquered a leading role within the national academic and health panorama; this allows Unicz to be the driving force of research and healthcare in our Region, acting as a stimulus to achieve ever better results.

With the launch of this project, the universities of Cosenza and that of Catanzaro, bound by a protocol signed by the Rectors, will finally be able to start thinking from the point of view of the common good for all Calabrian citizens and students, putting themselves behind them, years of parochialism that has repeatedly referred to this topic in the vicinity of the administrative elections: with the signing of this agreement, the University of Calabria will not be able to initiate any agreement with other national universities, for the opening of study courses in the area sanitary.

The Germaneto campus represents the only Calabrian reality where to activate the Schools of Medical Specializations which, in the last year, has registered a considerable increase, thanks to the number of enrollments obtained by placing itself as an Athenaeum of Attraction for Italian doctors.
The School of Anesthesia, for example, has 46 students enrolled in the first year, for a total of more than 100 trainees.

To all this are added other and new courses of degrees in the health professions that involve the Master’s Degrees and activations of masters related to new health needs and beyond.

The universities, precisely with a view to the inter-university agreement, have started a long series of collaborations, marking the overcoming of localism that resurfaces every time an electoral consultation is near.

As part of this new solidarity and scientific perspective, our university has activated an inter-university course of study with the University of Reggio Calabria, thus allowing many Calabrian students to continue studying in Calabria, without being obliged to migrate to other regions to continue their studies.

This collaborative modality between the different universities has also made it possible to achieve an increase in scholarships for students, almost completely eliminating the figure of the eligible non-beneficiary student.

The Calabrian universities, in recent years, have embraced an organizational line made up of agreements and planning that has led to particular attention to the precarious condition in which many students of our land find themselves: the policy takes note, acts accordingly and adds resources rather than cutting.

Medical representatives *

Vincenzo Bosco – Evaluation Team

Alessandro Caputo – Academic Senate

Michaela Talarico – School of Medicine and Surgery

Aldo Mesiti – School of Medicine and Surgery

Elena Mauro – Joint Commission School of Medicine and Surgery

Fedele Graziani – Joint Commission of the School of Medicine and Surgery

Manuel Gabriele – Joint Commission of the School of Medicine and Surgery

Antonio Martucci – Student Council

Francesco Caprino – Student Council

Dr. Marco Pignataro – College of Residents

Dr. Giusy Soluri – College of Residents

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