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Enormous pressure in the border trade store – had to close twice in one day

– We have a lot of empty shelves, but we are also working too hard to fill them again, says Torbjørn Swartz, who is deputy director for Maximat in Töcksfors.

On Friday, Värmland was categorized as a “green” area, and from midnight, Norwegians could once again come to one of the most popular Swedish trade areas without having to be quarantined.

– It went from being completely stone dead to it exploding. I have never experienced anything like this, says Swartz.

The pressure actually became so great that the store had to close twice in one day.

Smaalenenes avis discussed the matter first.

For safety reasons

For Maximat, the pressure has been great every day since the opening, but on Monday it was enormous.

– Then we had queues of 70 meters in 8 boxes. When there are so many people and the queues gather in front of the boxes, at the same time as people have to pass, it becomes too crowded. Therefore, we saw ourselves forced to close the store for the safety of customers and employees, says the deputy director.

The store closed for 15 minutes once and 20 minutes the second time.

– Safety must come first. Fortunately, it was only necessary to close for short periods, says Swartz.

POPULAR: Meat, beverages and sweets are the most popular items among Norwegians. Photo: Anders Stensås / TV 2

Taken to bed

Maximat is now working hard to meet the demand for shopping-loving Norwegians.

– We have bought too little and sold too much. In addition, several of our suppliers say that it takes time to get the wheels going again after many months with the border closed. We were taken to bed a bit, he says.

EMPTY: Also in the tobacco shop it is very picked out on the shelves on Thursday.  Photo: Anders Stensås / TV 2

EMPTY: Also in the tobacco shop it is very picked out on the shelves on Thursday. Photo: Anders Stensås / TV 2

In Töcksfors, most of the customers usually come from Mysen, Askim, Ski and Oslo. As the border at Stömstad is closed, they now also experience many visitors from Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad.

Swartz says he is happy that they can stay open again.

– It has been hard to keep closed for four months, so we are almost moved in the store now. Everyone is back from the layoff and we have also borrowed people from other places, he says.

He predicts that the store will land in very good numbers this week and next, before he reckons that it will normalize a bit after people come home from vacation.

WHOLESALE: The store managers across the border say that the Norwegians who shop this week fill the shopping baskets to the brim.  Photo: Goran Jorganovich / TV 2

WHOLESALE: The store managers across the border say that the Norwegians who shop this week fill the shopping baskets to the brim. Photo: Goran Jorganovich / TV 2

Acting like for the last time

In Charlottenberg, the influx of Norwegians has also been great since the border was opened.

– There has been a lot of people and a lot of pressure, especially on Monday and Tuesday. The progress has nevertheless been manageable and we have had control, says Kaj Hänninen, store manager at Hypermat in Charlottenberg.

He says that one of the biggest differences after the border was opened is the amount of people shopping.

– Those who shop here shop a lot. This is significantly more than normal. It is almost as if this is the last time they will shop, says Hänninen.

He says that his store is also working hard to provide enough goods to meet demand.

Has adjusted the maximum number

Eurocash in Töcksfors says that they have introduced a series infection control measure in the store.

– We have adjusted down the maximum number that can be in the store, and have security guards who make sure that we do not exceed it. We have removed shelves so that it will be easier to keep your distance. We also have a strong focus on hygiene, says store manager Anton Brusing.

He says that the store also struggles to keep the shelves full as there have been so many people.

– Our first priority was that customers should be able to shop in a safe environment, so now we are working to obtain sufficient goods, says Brusing.

He too has experienced that people fill the shopping baskets extra much.

– It may be that people are worried that the borders will be closed again and that is why they shop more. We cross our fingers that it remains open, says Brusing.

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