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Enhancing Work Performance: The Impact of Collaboration, Motivation, and Skills

The benefits for people performance involved and aware of l’impact of their work are often more effective. Work collaborative East motivating : it ensures the cohesion between the members of a team and to promote the SKILLS of different people. To talk about performance at work, we therefore take different aspects into consideration.

The implication
The competence
The skill
La communication
Labor conditions

Ex :
He is an excellent manager. He is skillful, efficient and communicative.

Certain factors harm performance: an employee fatigue can show himself irritable towards his colleagues. If he has too much work and is overwhelmedhe will be stress and therefore less efficient. If it is bad moodit will have a negative impact on team cohesion.

The stress

The overflow
Bad mood

Ex :
At the moment he is overwhelmed with work; he is tired, stressed and becomes irritable.

The challenges of the company Today, to face the concurrence and to the globalizationcompanies need to be as efficient as possible in order to increase their profits. To ensure their competitivenessthey must be innovative to offer new quality products.

The competition

Sport is increasing efficiency at work. Moreover, there are even simple sports exercises that you can even practice in your office chair.

Source : site Let’s speak French, it’s easy! (2011-2022)

2024-01-02 21:34:28
#Vocabulary #Work #performance #TV5MONDE #learn #French

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