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“Enhancing Teaching Skills with Virtual Courses on Universal Design for Learning”

Virtual Courses
Applying the principles of universal design for learning

Aimed at basic education teachers of all modalities and levels, appointed and hired.

The purpose of the course is to strengthen the skills of teachers to identify the characteristics of variability in students with and without disabilities.

Schedule and Registration

The course is developed through the SIFODS, enter the following link:


Inscription: From April 10 to 16
Development: From April 19 to May 17

Inscription: From April 17 to 23
Development: From April 26 to May 24


It consists of a unit, organized in 3 sessions:
Session 1: Principles and key concepts of the SAD.
Session 2: Neural networks for learning achievement.
Session 3: Characterization of needs and the ways in which the student learns.

It is expected that at the end of the course, teachers will be able to: Characterize the strengths and demands of students with and without disabilities that emerge during the teaching-learning process, taking into account the DUA principles.

At the end of the course, the participating teachers will receive a 48-hour certificate valid for the ranks.

To develop The course goes through the following steps.
1 Enter the SIFODS, https://sifods.minedu.gob.pe/ using your ID number in username and password
2 Click on the space VIRTUAL CLASSROOM

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