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“English teacher mocked by students in Brebu school: new details emerge”

Prahovean Observatory on Sunday publishes new details about the case at the school in Brebu, where an English teacher was mocked by the students. According to the quoted source, the woman would have told her colleagues that what happened was not serious.

Blackboard teacherPhoto: Andrey Zhuravlev / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia

  • Scandalous images captured during a lesson at the school in Pietriceaua, Brebu commune in Prahova county, were published on Friday by the local press. In the videos it can be seen that, while a teacher is teaching and writing on the blackboard, two boys come up to her and insistently mime sexual scenes. Following the appearance of the images, the Police announced that they had opened a criminal case.
  • publication phonline.ro wrote that the woman mocked and humiliated by two students while standing in front of the class during class is an English teacher. She is a tenured teacher with 20 years of experience.

His colleagues talked to her when the filmed images came into the possession of the school management, later appearing in the public space. The teacher would have claimed that she does not believe that anything serious happened.

“We were informed on the morning of Thursday, April 6, being the day when, by the way, the school management also found out about the existence of that video. The headmistress came into possession of the video, informed us, the School Inspectorate, and also informed the Police. It seems that the video is from two weeks ago, approximately”, stated the general school inspector of IȘJ Prahova, Ilona Rizea, for Adevărul.ro.

Also then, at the level of the school unit, an investigation was started to find out how things happened and the involved teacher was also discussed.

“The teacher had a discussion with the management of the school and she thought that nothing serious had happened”, said the head of IȘJ Prahova.

The teacher, on the other hand, has had an authority problem in the classroom for a long time. Following the evaluation of his activity carried out in the last school year, he received the qualification “Good”, his colleagues reproaching him for having a much too permissive behavior with the students.

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