Home » today » News » English Israelism and Satan’s Empire – 2024-04-03 06:32:24

English Israelism and Satan’s Empire – 2024-04-03 06:32:24

/ world today news/ The 17th century is extremely important for the entire history of England. This is the time of revolutions, of Cromwell, Hobbes and Newton. Since then, so has the idea of ​​the Jewish roots of the English monarchy. It grew into a doctrine “proving” that the Anglo-Saxon elite originated from several lost Jewish tribes – the so-called “tenth knee”. The aim is to prove some “ancient biblical greatness” of England and its rulers. The doctrine aims for European Jews and the British aristocracy to build a new world empire.

The “fantasy” starts from the Netherlands and is related to the Talmudist Menasse ben Israel – a Portuguese Jew (Manoel Dias Soeiro). It is known that in the Spanish Netherlands, because of the de facto victorious Protestantism, especially in the northern provinces, many of those expelled from England and also Spanish and Portuguese Jews, expelled by the Catholic rulers, found refuge. Menasseh/Manuel is one of them. In 1650, just at the zenith of Cromwell’s reign, he published in Amsterdam the pamphlet “Esperança de Israel”, in which he wrote that the English were the tenth generation of Jews, and besides that the Dutch Jews could move to England.

John Sadler – Oliver Cromwell’s private secretary – was active in Britain at the same time. Sadler was a philosemite (Jew sympathizer – the opposite of an antisemite) and a personal friend of Manasseh Ben Israel. It is he who is pointed to as the creator of English Israelism. Sandler lobbied his boss to start the process of “repatriating” the Jews to England. Ben Israel proposed the idea of ​​creating a fifth, Anti-Roman Empire, of which Oliver Cromwell himself would be emperor. Moreover, even then Ben Israel said that this empire was called to rule the world.

Why “Anti-Roman” Empire? Because even 150 years earlier, Henry VIII Tudor (one of the most cruel rulers of the entire Middle Ages, also known for having sentenced several of his wives to death) rejected the spiritual dominance of the Roman Pope and created a separate Anglican Church, to which they declared themselves for a leader. Since then the Pope was an “enemy” of England and Menasseh skillfully tried to take advantage of this.

At first, Ben Israel’s mission was not successful, although he was accepted in Parliament and Oliver Cromwell personally granted him financial assistance. However, the foundation has clearly been laid.

Only 40 years later, during the so-called “glorious revolution”, the Dutch Staatthaler William (Willem) of Orange became King of England under the name William III. Then a large part of the Dutch Jewish community transferred to Albion, bringing with them usury, banking, stock trading.

Thus the return of the Jews was effected together with Wilhelm and the expelled Protestants. Then in England the idea of ​​trade, maritime supremacy, global Venice, etc. became completely dominant. The strategy for the colonies, for the banks and the stock exchanges was finally formed, as well as the typically English forms of cave materialism, greed, avarice, hypocrisy and the search for maximum material success at any cost were further developed.

Then the “fifth empire” was created. The first four are described in the Old Testament – the book of the prophet Daniel. There the prophet describes how he deciphered the dream of the mighty Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. This biblical narrative speaks of four empires, each in part of the torso of an imaginary giant – the Golden Empire – Babylon, the Silver Empire – Persia, the Bronze Empire – Alexander the Great’s Hellenistic Empire and the Iron Empire – the Roman Empire, which became Christian, so and then God sends his son Jesus Christ to earth.

The dreams of Menasseh Ben Israel, later realized by William of Orange, created the Anglo-Jewish Fifth Empire, which, after thousands of mimicry, still exists today and has brought the world to its modern spiritual destitution and moral destruction. Why is that? According to the Christian scriptures, after the Empire of God there can only be an empire of the devil – of God’s eternally revenge-seeking adversary! This is the fifth empire.

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