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England in shock

He was appointed Ole Gunnar Solskjær’s captain at Manchester United in January.

– I am impressed with his leadership skills, the Norwegian declared.

But now Harry Maguire (27) is in serious trouble after a riot on the Greek holiday island of Mykonos. Also Saturday night he had to spend in the cell, according to English newspapers, among others The Daily Telegraph.

The background is that the United captain and two other people must have ended up in a brawl with local police last night. According to The Daily Telegraph, the police claim that the three men have committed bodily harm against officers and tried to bribe them.

Photo: NTB scanpix “alt =”WITH MOUTHBAND: Harry Maguire hadde strengt vakthold rundt seg da han kom til påtalemyndigheten på Syros. Foto: NTB scanpix” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72767585.jpg?imageId=72767585&x=0&y=0&cropw=99.421965317919&croph=86.214209968187&width=496&height=588&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72767585.jpg?imageId=72767585&x=0&y=0&cropw=99.421965317919&croph=86.214209968187&width=666&height=788&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72767585.jpg?imageId=72767585&x=0&y=0&cropw=99.421965317919&croph=86.214209968187&width=689&height=815&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72767585.jpg?imageId=72767585&x=0&y=0&cropw=99.421965317919&croph=86.214209968187&width=689&height=815″/>
WITH MOUTHBAND: Harry Maguire had strict security around him when he arrived at the prosecution at Syros. Photo: NTB scanpix
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It is unclear who may have done what. But the English heavyweight newspaper experiences that it all must have started when Maguire and the other two sat in a car on Friday night. Two strangers allegedly started shouting at them. When the trio got out of the car, the situation escalated – and there must have been confrontations.

Sources say that plainclothes police arrived and stopped the quarrel.

sport in the Saturday newspaper. “Alt =”ARRESTED: The Guardian har Harry Maguire som hovedoppslag på sporten i lørdagsavisa.” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72767587.jpg?imageId=72767587&x=0&y=0&cropw=98.285714285714&croph=100&width=496&height=640&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72767587.jpg?imageId=72767587&x=0&y=0&cropw=98.285714285714&croph=100&width=666&height=858&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72767587.jpg?imageId=72767587&x=0&y=0&cropw=98.285714285714&croph=100&width=689&height=888&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72767587.jpg?imageId=72767587&x=0&y=0&cropw=98.285714285714&croph=100&width=689&height=888″/>
ARRESTED: The Guardian has Harry Maguire as its headline on the sport in the Saturday newspaper.
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– The police who intervened were wearing civilian clothes. It is possible Maguire and his friends did not understand that they were police officers, says a source close to the investigation to the newspaper.

– One of the men allegedly tried to bribe the police when they were taken away.

According to The Guardian, Maguire’s lawyer, Konstantinos Darivas, denies that the captain denies the allegations.

– He is completely convinced that he will be released, without charge.

newspaper. “Alt =”ON THE FRONT PAGE: The Daily Mirror slår Maguire-arrestasjonen stort opp i lørdagsavisa.” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72767589.jpg?imageId=72767589&x=0&y=0&cropw=96.901408450704&croph=99.886363636364&width=496&height=634&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72767589.jpg?imageId=72767589&x=0&y=0&cropw=96.901408450704&croph=99.886363636364&width=666&height=851&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72767589.jpg?imageId=72767589&x=0&y=0&cropw=96.901408450704&croph=99.886363636364&width=689&height=881&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72767589.jpg?imageId=72767589&x=0&y=0&cropw=96.901408450704&croph=99.886363636364&width=689&height=881″/>
ON THE FRONT PAGE: The Daily Mirror covers the Maguire arrest in the Saturday newspaper.
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According to social media, the United captain partyed for several hours on Thursday. In an official statement, Manchester United writes:

– The club is aware of an incident involving Harry Maguire on Mykonos. Contact has been established with Harry, and he is fully cooperating with the Greek authorities.

The incident has created shock and disbelief in England.

– For Manchester United and England, the shock was amplified by the identity of the player, says The Guardians David Hytner.

– If the club or the national team had made a hypothetical list of who this could have been, Maguire would not even have been on it. He would not even be around.

Photo: NTB scanpix “alt =”STRICT GUARD: Harry Maguire (med caps øverst til høyre) blir tatt med til aktors kontor i Syros. Foto: NTB scanpix” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72767592.jpg?imageId=72767592&x=0&y=14.410480349345&cropw=100&croph=85.589519650655&width=496&height=284&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72767592.jpg?imageId=72767592&x=0&y=14.410480349345&cropw=100&croph=85.589519650655&width=666&height=380&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72767592.jpg?imageId=72767592&x=0&y=14.410480349345&cropw=100&croph=85.589519650655&width=689&height=393&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72767592.jpg?imageId=72767592&x=0&y=14.410480349345&cropw=100&croph=85.589519650655&width=689&height=393″/>
STRICT GUARD: Harry Maguire (with caps at top right) is taken to the prosecutor’s office in Syros. Photo: NTB scanpix
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The United captain and the two other men were photographed when they were taken to the neighboring island of Syros yesterday afternoon. There they appeared before the prosecution.

In an official statement, the local police say, according to The Independent:

– Early in the morning, patrolling police intervened in a dispute between people. But three foreigners (Maguire and co.) Turned on them, insulted them – and punched a police officer. The three foreigners were taken to the police station in Mykonos, where on arrival they sat down to defend themselves and beat three policemen.

Photo: NTB scanpix “alt =”TRUSTED: Harry Maguire var Ole Gunnar Solskjærs valg av kaptein i januar. Foto: NTB scanpix” class=”” srcset=”https://dbstatic.no/72767596.jpg?imageId=72767596&x=0.68493150684932&y=4.675572519084&cropw=94.246575342466&croph=37.404580152672&width=496&height=284&compression=70 640w,https://dbstatic.no/72767596.jpg?imageId=72767596&x=0.68493150684932&y=4.675572519084&cropw=94.246575342466&croph=37.404580152672&width=666&height=380&compression=80 1024w,https://dbstatic.no/72767596.jpg?imageId=72767596&x=0.68493150684932&y=4.675572519084&cropw=94.246575342466&croph=37.404580152672&width=689&height=393&compression=80 1240w” src=”https://dbstatic.no/72767596.jpg?imageId=72767596&x=0.68493150684932&y=4.675572519084&cropw=94.246575342466&croph=37.404580152672&width=689&height=393″/>
TRUSTED: Harry Maguire was Ole Gunnar Solskjær’s choice of captain in January. Photo: NTB scanpix
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Furthermore, it is called:

– One of them tried to offer money, so that there would be no case against them. The detainees were taken to the prosecutor’s office in Syros.

Maguire cost £ 80m – or £ 940m – when he arrived from Leicester in 2019. He has 26 caps for England.

Today there may be a clarification of what happens next. Maguire has not yet had the opportunity to comment publicly on the case. Nor will Manchester United comment further yet.

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