Catania, 27 September. (Adnkronos/Labitalia) – Engineers on the front line for the infrastructural future of the Italian system. This is the message given on the occasion of the 67th National Congress of the Orders of Engineers of Italy, underway in Catania. “The MOSE – explained Enrico Foti, from the University of Catania – is working very well. It has no impact on the landscape and it is important to communicate our projects as best as possible. When there are dramatic events such as floods there are no recipes, a new methodological approach. We are already building the next MSE for the Genoa dam, a challenging work.”
For Professor Ida Angela Nicotra of the University of Catania, “the work of the engineers will be invaluable for the bridge over the strait. We must dispel doubts and spread false news, that is, that it can only improve the environmental conditions of Messina. The bridge will not be a work isolated but also means bringing high speed to Sicily, reducing the use of the car”.