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Engie Launches Energy Savings Competition Between Dijon and Reims with €30,000 Prize for Most Virtuous City’s Association

Posted Apr 18, 2023, 9:27 AM

It’s a bit like “Intervilles”, the famous game of Guy Lux and Claude Savarit, energy savings. Since April 1 and until May 31, the gas and electricity supplier Engie offers residents of the cities of Dijon and of Reims to compete in the field of consumption reductions… for a good cause. The energy company has indeed undertaken to pay 30,000 euros to an association in the most virtuous city. In this case, either Habitat and Humanism Côte-d’Or for Dijon; Stop Energy Exclusion for Reims. The loser will still be awarded a check for 10,000 euros.

“All eco-gestures are allowed: the use of the eco mode of its household appliances, the disconnection of unused electrical appliances, the equipment of its house with LED bulbs…”, detailed Engie, which offers this challenge as part of its “Program for Action”, launched in 2020.

Savings Kits

In the event of victory, the Dijon association has already indicated that it would allocate this sum to the operation of its APPED 21 educational apartment. In particular to the purchase of water and energy saving kits, including LEDs , aerators, economy shower hoses, etc. These kits are “given to all trainees participating in training and awareness workshops on energy savings”, she explained. The prize will also contribute to the energy renovation of the most energy-intensive apartments, classified D or less. Habitat et Humanisme, which employs 4 employees and around 50 volunteers, works with precarious families. The association manages a stock of 59 housing units and supports around a hundred families, mainly in the Dijon metropolitan area, each year.

Engie specifies that the participants in the winning city challenge will win “300 KiloActs” – points, in short – that they can “invest in projects favorable to the energy transition or exchange for eco-responsible objects (water-saving devices, connected, toothpaste, soap or solid shampoo…)”. After the Montpellier/Nice, Nantes/Rennes, Angers/Tours and Toulouse/Bordeaux matches, this is the fifth energy challenge that Engie is launching, the state competition this time being organized for two months, compared to a month previously.

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