Home » today » Business » Engas Prime Proposes CO2 Capture and Transport Project for Oltenia Energy Complex: Reduced Emissions and Potential Funding Opportunities

Engas Prime Proposes CO2 Capture and Transport Project for Oltenia Energy Complex: Reduced Emissions and Potential Funding Opportunities

A private company sent Oltenia Energy Complex a letter of intent, regarding the realization of a CO2 capture and transport project. The implementation of such a project would mean less CO2 emissions and implicitly less paid carbon certificates. If they did not pay carbon certificates, the thermal power plants could remain in the market, especially the groups from Rovinari, which are also efficient due to the fact that they are close to the mining quarries.

The company interested in making the investment is Engas Prime. According to the letter of intent, Romania has the advantage of having a place to store large amounts of CO2, namely where the gases were exploited and “holes” remained underground.

Moreover, the cost of capturing a ton of CO2 has dropped from 44 euros, when the idea of ​​implementing such a technology was first discussed in Turceni, to 30 euros today. Much below the cost of carbon certificates.

The company mentions in the letter of intent that, according to the European Commission, the capture part must be done by the energy producer, so Engas Prime could only provide the transport and storage part. However, the company shows its availability for a partnership, in the sense of supporting the Oltenia Energy Complex with a consultant, because the European Commission has allocated 10 billion euros for innovative technologies in the field of CO2 and hydrogen.

Money can also be attracted to CE Oltenia for capture technologies, if the goal is not only to close, without looking for alternatives.

2023-07-11 03:35:39
#proposal #extend #life #coal #groups

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