Home » Business » Eng: green light from the cdm to the decree to speed up the sale – Economy

Eng: green light from the cdm to the decree to speed up the sale – Economy

The council of ministers has approved a Dpcm which replaces the previous one with the aim of speed up the procedures for the sale of Ita Airways. The subjects who participated in the previous procedure are confirmed and at the same time the obligation for the Treasury not to transfer the majority is waived. For the purposes of the sale, the industrial plan of the candidate buyer of the airline assumes significant importance. The purpose of the Dpcm (which is now being examined by the Court of Auditors) is to speed up sales procedures in the best interests of the company and its employees.

Among the hypotheses there would be a capital increase reserved for Ita’s future industrial partner. At the moment Lufthansa appears to be the favorite to acquire a minority stake in the newco.

“We are looking for an industrial partner to make it work,” said Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti during the CDM regarding the dossier on the sale of Ita.

For the first time in the last twenty years in the budget of the Italian flag carrier, revenues exceed costs“. This was announced by Ita Airways CEO Fabio Lazzerini, specifying that there was “a lot of attention to costs”. For example, “the increase in fuel, of 107%, had an impact only for 55 /60% of accounts, the rest was offset by higher revenues and cost savings.”

“We are a startup born in October 2021, shortly after there was Omicron, then war, then expensive fuel. Yet, despite this, the company is performing much higher than expected”, he explained.

The former Alitalia basin “is our reference and not only because we are aware that there are people on layoffs with excellent professionalism for our needs and for the awareness that the layoffs are paid for by the state. We will do everything to ensure that there is access to the basin”, reassured Lazzerini in regards to new hires in the company. Difficult to make estimates “between retirements and those who want to come, there is not always a correspondence between what we offer and people’s needs. We held two meetings, in Rome and in Milan, to have a portfolio of profiles if the pool was not sufficient “.

“I confirm that we are working a lot with Lufthansavery collaboratively, we are sharing information. However, the Ministry of Economy and Finance will decide how much and in what way”, said the CEO of Ita Airways, Fabio Lazzerini, answering a question on the hypothesis that Lufthansa wants to enter Ita with a quota between 40 and 49%, on the sidelines of the presentation of the aircraft with the new “I am Friuli Venezia Giulia” livery”. On the sale of the company, Lazzerini referred to the Ministry of Finance, “we manage the company”. “I realize I always give the same answer,” he added.

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