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Energy vampirism – what is it? – 2024-10-07 07:06:13

What is Energy Vampirism?

According to Albert J. Bernstein “today’s vampires do not drink blood, they feed on our vital energy.” The author says: “Energy vampires – they are among us, disguised as ordinary people. Perhaps they lurk in the office, in the family, among friends; maybe you even share a bed with one of them. You probably know too many of them. They are smart, talented, charming, earn your trust and affection – then drain your emotional energy”…

A major distinguishing feature of energy vampirism among normal living people is the absence of positive energy exchange in interpersonal contacts. For example, a person from the environment /relative, friend, colleague/ lives with the constant inner attitude that you owe him something. You may be good, well-intentioned, generous, naive and/or yielding, giving, helping, doing favor after favor… But in return, you get no gratitude, no respect, no money or material values…

The energy vampire can also be recognized by the fact that:

– always acts from the position of his Ego and interest;
– constantly complains to get sympathy/assistance;
– plays the role of victim;
– achieves its goals through accusations or manipulations;
– never takes responsibility for his actions;
– spreads gossip or creates situations that attract the attention of others;
-likes to argue with the aim not of clarifying the truth, but of provoking a conflict situation;
-likes to edify, to command: “Don’t argue”, “Don’t oppose”, “There’s no point in fighting, it can get worse”, etc. similar.

After each meeting with an energy vampire we experience a feeling of dissatisfaction, lethargy, fatigue and exhaustion, as a result of contact with mental mediocrity, primordiality and rudeness. When communicating with such people, we then involuntarily become irritable, lose self-control, fall into negative emotional states and lose our vital energy. We begin to feel a particular physical weakness, we become sleepy, highly emotional and physically excitable. Unexpectedly, various health problems appear for which we have no explanation. At our expense, the energy vampire is calm, healthy, charged with our energy…

Psychologists say: “Energy vampires are completely normal people at first glance.

They work and live together with us and do not suspect that they are taking away from our energy. Where do these people come from? Why is one person an energy donor and another a user (vampire, receiver). Vampires are not born. They become that way.” … An energy vampire is a person who does not fulfill his purpose. This can be called karmic debt (“karma” means action), when a person does not use his abilities as intended, but follows a “foreign path”. …A person receives energy for specific purposes, and he uses it not for them. Then the energy decreases. In this case, the vampire draws vitality from other people. He doesn’t just take it from us, he forces us to give it to him, usually starting a conversation and throwing ideas out of himself. Then the “provider” /we/ begin to lose our energy, and the vampire instantly captures it..”.

“All young children are also a kind of energy vampire.

Their “vampirism” is necessary for their growth and development. This explains the extreme fatigue of women-mothers when their child is small. Not with difficulties and lack of sleep, but with constant, round-the-clock, emotional returns and demanding attention from the little person. This is also the case with very sick and/or elderly people, which expend enormous energy resources to restore or maintain their lives. The same applies to a person in a complex emotional state who begins to draw on the energy of others to stabilize his emotional balance.”

A special type of suggestiveness and bio-vampirism turn out to be the “indispensable” modern means of manipulation, social communication, brainwashing and “draining” our energy.

These are all types of mass media, radio, television, Internet, music, cinema, etc., which is another topic.

There are several types of people – energy vampires:
Solar vampires (“I’ve seen you somewhere”). These people are particularly cruel. They themselves provoke us to unleash a flow of energy for them. Even if we try not to provoke them, not to lose our balance, this aggressor is capable of hitting us, just to draw attention to himself and take advantage of our energy.

Moon vampires (“Lord, how miserable I am!”). They are the opposite of the first in behavior and in the way of obtaining energy. They are not violent or cruel, but constantly grumble and whine about how fair fate is to them. In their complaints, they secretly steal from our energy.

Wooden vampires (“I don’t trust anyone or anything”).This category of people constantly asks for proof of everything and doesn’t trust anyone. Even when they hear “iron arguments”, they still stand by their position. Jealous people also belong to this category. They keep the object of their love in constant tension and thus suck energy from him.”…

Many people use a fairly simple way to protect themselves from an energy vampire. Upon contact with such an individual, one curls one’s thumb into a hook and hides it in one’s pocket, behind one’s back, or under the table. This helps the intended victim stay alert and restrained. The esoteric explanation is that this is how we close our energies from external influence, we do not allow it to penetrate into our body and get the valuable power out of us…

Hristo S. Enev
From the book “Symbols, Mysticism and Reality”

#Energy #vampirism

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