Freiburg (dpa/lsw) – Should the gas shortage continue to worsen, around 60 companies would be affected in the network area of the energy service provider Badenova, and gas could be turned off. Badenova board member Heinz-Werner Hölscher told the “Badische Zeitung” (Friday). “In our network area, which stretches from Sinzheim to Lörrach and from Breisach to Waldshut-Tiengen, it would affect around 60 companies, each of which draws more than 10 megawatts of power. The Federal Network Agency will determine how the shutdown will be controlled. We cannot name the companies.” said Hölscher of the newspaper.
The companies are preparing thoroughly for the case. There have already been many discussions. “In an emergency, as a network operator, we would have to tell customers how much they have to reduce their performance. But we are only an executive body,” said Hölscher. The procedure must be coordinated nationwide, even Europe-wide, because the pipeline network extends beyond national borders.
For these customers, Badenova can see the measured values in real time. “So we can see exactly how much this customer is currently consuming. If he has to reduce his performance by x percent, he will usually shut down his production processes and balance the quantity with us so that the specified target value is reached. Only in exceptional cases will we have to close a slider on site.”
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