The energy crisis is an absolute ordeal for many households. Especially when the heating bill comes, the surprise is big. Inflation is also eating away at financial reserves. But now there is help.
Those affected can receive financial support from the job center if the costs in the energy crisis are too high. We’ll tell you how to get the cash injection.
As reported by the Federal Employment Agency (BA), those affected receive financial support from the job center in the course of the energy crisis. In this way, consumers can receive citizen money of 502 euros for the high heating costs for a month. The prerequisite is that the costs can no longer be borne. “This can be the case if heating costs have to be paid later this month or fuel reserves have to be bought,” says the BA website.
The financial injection has existed since January 1, 2023, and the Hartz 4 successor also came into force on this date. But be careful: The regulation is limited until December 31, 2023. Not everyone can apply for the bonus either. According to the BA, the “basic requirements for basic security” must be met:
- Assets of a maximum of 15,000 euros per person in the household
- Residence and center of life in Germany
- At least 15 years old and not entitled to a pension
- Generally employable (able to work at least three hours a day)
- Income is not enough to pay the bill
Energy crisis: Price brakes should remedy the situation
For many, the heating bonus should come at the right time. Because the energy crisis is not over. The traffic light government announced a price brake for oil, pellet and liquid gas heating costs. From March, private households and small businesses will receive a monthly credit on their gas and electricity bills.
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These come about by 80 percent of the previous consumption for twelve cents for gas and 40 cents for electricity per kilowatt hour. The relief also comes retrospectively for January and February. For the industry, the price brakes start in January, they receive a quota of 70 percent.