Home » today » Business » Energie – Kiel – Goldschmidt does not accept profit skimming until 1 December – Economy

Energie – Kiel – Goldschmidt does not accept profit skimming until 1 December – Economy

Kiel (dpa/lno) – Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister for the Energy Transition Tobias Goldschmidt has welcomed the fact that “incidental profits” on the electricity market to help finance the curb on electricity prices are not should be deducted retrospectively, as originally intended. It is good that the federal cabinet only decided on the levy on December 1, 2022, the Green politician said on Monday. “The federal government has therefore granted an important request from Schleswig-Holstein. A retrospective levy would have been a serious breach of trust and would have created enormous uncertainty in the renewable energy sector,” said Goldschmidt. “But it would be poison for urgent investment in the energy transition.”

On Friday, the federal cabinet decided to partially finance the curb on electricity prices by subtracting so-called random profits. This concerns, for example, producers of green electricity from wind and solar, which have recently benefited from high stock prices. According to the cabinet decision, these profits should not be deducted until December 1st and not retroactively from September 1st as previously envisaged. According to the bill, the profit skimming is expected to end by April 30, 2024 at the latest.

Furthermore, Goldschmidt said that the way out of the crisis will be successful only with a rapid expansion of renewable energies. It is therefore completely incomprehensible that the increase in the maximum remuneration was not included in the Renewable Energy Sources Act. “Here the FDP has apparently once again opposed the government and held back. This is a heavy burden for overcoming the energy crisis.”

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