Home » today » World » Endoftheamericandream.com: The Grotesque Experiments Mindless Scientists Around The World Are Conducting On Human Cells Are Absolutely Disgusting – 2024-08-10 22:01:49

Endoftheamericandream.com: The Grotesque Experiments Mindless Scientists Around The World Are Conducting On Human Cells Are Absolutely Disgusting – 2024-08-10 22:01:49

/View.info/ Just because we have the technology to do certain things doesn’t mean we should actually do them. In theory, science is supposed to be limited by morality, but these days almost all restrictions have been lifted. As a result, the mad scientists of the world go berserk. In fact, some of them are now doing extremely grotesque experiments on human cells that are absolutely disgusting. For example, a group of scientists in Australia just received a huge pile of money so they can continue experimenting with ways to “fuse human brain cells with artificial intelligence”…

A team of researchers just received a $600,000 grant from the Australian National Intelligence Service to explore ways to combine human brain cells with artificial intelligence.

It is so wrong.

But who will stop them?

These scientists have already succeeded in creating a “semi-biological computer chip with approximately 800,000 human and mouse brain cells” that is capable of playing pong…

Last year, the research team created DishBrain, a “semi-biological computer chip with about 800,000 lab-grown human and mouse brain cells in its electrodes,” according to New Atlas. DishBrain uses lab-grown neurons from human stem cells. Scientists have successfully trained brain cells to play the classic video game Pong.

The publication adds: “The microelectrode array in the center of the brain on the board was able to both read activity in brain cells and stimulate them with electrical signals, so the research team created a version of ‘pong’ where a moving electrical stimulus is applied to brain cells. cells to show which side of the “screen” the ball is on and how far it is from the racket. They allowed the brain cells to act on the manipulator, moving it left and right.

Should the “brain” be considered a living thing?

If so, are there any rights?

Or can our scientists just do whatever they want with them?

The “scientists” behind these experiments promise that this new “technology” will have all kinds of applications once fully developed…

The main idea is to merge biology with artificial intelligence, which could open new frontiers for machine learning technologies for self-driving cars, autonomous drones or delivery robots – at least that’s what the government hopes to achieve with its investment.

So what happens if we start combining “biology” with artificial intelligence and the “biology” we use starts to rebel against us?

Maybe we should think about that before we go down that road.

Meanwhile, another team of “scientists” from California intends to create artificial “human eggs” in a lab…

A California startup is trying to create human eggs in a lab with a first-of-its-kind technology that would revolutionize the fertility market.

The biotech company’s vision is to accelerate and eventually commercialize in vitro gametogenesis, a process that involves obtaining human eggs and sperm in the laboratory from any cell in the human body.

This could mean that people struggling with infertility, as well as same-sex and transgender couples, will be able to have their own biological children for the first time.

This kind of “research” should be completely banned.

But, I repeat, no one will stop them.

Interestingly, this new “fertility survey” comes at a time when the population is beginning to decline steadily in many industrialized countries around the planet.

In fact, we just learned that each of Japan’s 47 prefectures “experienced population decline in 2022, while the total number of Japanese people decreased by almost 800,000. Figures released by Japan’s Ministry of the Interior noted two new unwanted records for a country entering uncharted demographic territory, but on a course that many other countries intend to follow.

The Japanese prime minister called this trend a crisis and promised to deal with the situation. But national policy has so far failed to halt population decline, although the concerted efforts of a few small towns are having some effect.

We see this happening in Europe as well.

In a previous article I pointed out that the total population of the EU has been declining for two years in a row, despite the fact that droves of new immigrants continue to arrive…

According to Eurostat, the population of the 27 countries in the bloc decreased by almost 172,000 people compared to the previous year and by more than 656,000 people since January 2020.

Here in the United States, the birthrate in every single state is now below replacement.

Migration is the only reason some countries’ populations grow.

So why is all this happening?

Well, the reasons are many, but one of the biggest is the dramatic drop in sperm count worldwide, which has “only accelerated since the turn of the century”…

Rapidly declining sperm counts “threaten the survival of humanity”, researchers warned today.

Since the 1970s, their number has decreased by more than half.

And according to global analyses, this decline has only accelerated since the turn of the century.

If this trend is not reversed, humanity is indeed headed for extinction.

Because once sperm quality gets low enough, it becomes almost impossible to have children.

Therefore, we should all be deeply alarmed that the average sperm count has declined by 2.64% per year since 2000…

The results showed that the average sperm count dropped by 51.6% between 1973 and 2018 in men from all continents.

The average sperm count is already in the “danger zone” in most industrialized countries.

And if this trend continues, it won’t be long before most men will be able to become fathers.

What do you think this will do to the population of the planet if we get there?

But even as we face existential crisis after crisis, we just keep polluting our planet.

I have already written at length about the horrors that microplastics cause.

Well, the problem continues to get worse at an exponential rate because the amount of plastic we produce continues to grow at an exponential rate. In fact, a new study even found massive amounts of microplastics in the Arctic…

Even the Arctic Ocean is not immune to the relentless rise of microplastic pollution. In a new study that analyzed sediment core samples, researchers calculated how many particles had been deposited since the early 1930s. As the scientists have shown elsewhere, the team found that microplastic pollution in the Arctic is growing exponentially and in step with the increase in plastic production, which currently stands at a trillion kilograms per year, and by 2060 the global amount of plastic waste is projected to triple.

These researchers analyzed seawater and sediments in the western Arctic Ocean, which makes up 13% of its total area. But in this region alone, they estimate, 210,000 metric tons of microplastics have accumulated in the water, sea ice and sediment layers that have formed since the 1930s.

Our water and soil are completely saturated with microplastics.

Once things get bad enough, we simply won’t be able to live.

But most people just don’t care about the long-term damage we’re doing.

Most people just want to enjoy today without worrying about tomorrow.

But tomorrow inevitably comes, and the future of the human race hangs in the balance.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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