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End of Protected Electricity and Gas Market: Different Procedures for Vulnerable Customers – Find Out How

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The deadlines for the end of the protected electricity and gas market have been announced. But they are not the same for everyone. For the vulnerable, in fact, the procedure is different. Let’s see how. We remind you that the vulnerable also include the beneficiaries of Law 104 and elderly people.

Electricity and gasin August the Arera (Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment) announced the new deadlines for the transition to free market. It means the end of the protected energy market. But not for everyone. Arera has in fact foreseen one different procedure for the customers considered vulnerablewhich also includes the people who have received the recognition of law 104. (find out the latest news on Law 104, civil disability, protected categories, labor law, subsidies, job offers e active competitions. Leggile free su WhatsApp, Telegram e Facebook).

Protected electricity and gas market: brackets

The end of the protected market for electricity and gas it does not follow a uniform path. While many thought it would be a simultaneous transition for everyone, it is actually a staggered process. For vulnerable customers the protected market will also continue after the dates which were provided by Arera, which are these:

Gas: the first big deadline si check in January 2024. General users, who do not fall into the vulnerable categories, will gradually be transferred to the free market. Those who fall into vulnerable categories will have additional protections.

Luce: The deadline for the light market is scheduled for April 2024. But again, some categories of users could benefit from extensions or softer transitions.

The vulnerable in the gas market

There is a difference in the definition of vulnerable for electricity and gas.

For gas, ARERA has defined the vulnerable users people who fall into these categories:

Economic conditions: those who are going through economically difficult times, such as income earners Bonus Energy.

Disability: Persons with disabilities, particularly those recognized under thearticle 3 of law 104/92.

Natural disasters: anyone who lives in a temporary home due to calamitous events such as earthquakes and floods.

Seniority: people over the age of 75 years old.

The vulnerable in the electricity market

As for light, the list of those who fall into the vulnerable category is longer:

Financial situations: similarly to gas, those who live in economic conditions.

Disability: the people who have received recognition pursuant to thearticle 3 of law 104/92.

Housing emergencies: those who live in a temporary home after disaster events.

Seniority: those over 75.

Salute: those who have serious health problems that require the use of electrically powered medical-therapeutic equipment.

Residence on islands: those who live on a smaller island that is not adequately connected.

The criteria for defining who is vulnerable are outlined in decree-law of 9 August 2022, n. 155which was later converted into the law of 21 September 2022, n. 142known as “Aid Bis decree“.

Despite these clear indications, numerous uncertainties remain. Many wonder: how to determine whether or not you fall into the category of vulnerable users? And once you have reached the end of the protected period, what are the bureaucratic steps to confirm and certify your status? Does it require the sending of specific forms or official communications?

Before delving into the heart of the problem, it is useful to make a brief summary of the current context.

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Communications from managers

In recent weeks, those who are still subscribed to the protected gas market started receiving communications from your supplier. These letters have a dual purpose:

Inform that the protected market is about to end and explain what it means for the consumer. Highlight the opportunities available to move on to free marketshowing the most advantageous offers for the customer in terms of expected annual expenditure.

However, if by January 2024 the customer does not decide to accept the new conditions proposed, or does not choose a new contract, the supplier will continue to offer the service. This will happen with economic and contractual terms similar to the current ones.

What will happen to vulnerable customers?

The situation changes for customers classified as “vulnerable”. Here are the key distinctions for electricity and gas:

Luce: these customers will continue to receive the enhanced protection service even after April 1st 2024. ARERA has decided to postpone any changes regarding this category.

Gas: after January 1st, vulnerable customers will be transferred from the enhanced protection service to the protection of vulnerability. This service preserves the economic conditions established by ARERA. In practice, the service and tariffs will remain similar to those currently in force in the protected market.

How to declare yourself a vulnerable customer

If you think you qualify to be considered a vulnerable customer but have not yet been recognized as such, here’s what to do:

Starting in September 2023, vendors will deploy a self-certification form. This module allows customers to self-disclose their vulnerability. Complete and send this form to your supplier. If, on the other hand, you have previously been identified as a vulnerable customer but think you no longer fall into this category, it is important to communicate this to your supplier.

Below you will find the self-certification form for vulnerable people.

End of the protected market and non-vulnerable customers

While there are specific procedures for vulnerable customers, what happens for those who do not fall into this category?

The key dates to remember are:

January 1, 2024: term of the protected market for gas;

April 1, 2024: conclusion of the protected market for electricity.

In detail, after the deadline:

For the lucewe will move on to Gradual Protection Service with a new supplier designated through a territorial auction. The offer will be PLACET. For the gasthose who have not completed the transition to the free market will continue with their supplier, but with a PLACET offer at a variable price.

The energy supply will not be interrupted, but there may be changes in the contractual and economic conditions.

End of gas protection

Before the protected gas market expires, all customers will receive an important communication from their suppliers. These notes will include:

Details on the interruption of the protected service; Information on where to find assistance and know your rights.

For i vulnerable customers, this communication will have specific details regarding the new contract and economic conditions. While for non-vulnerable customers, there will be indications on the new conditions after 1 January 2024.

End of light protection

Also for theelectric energythere will be distinctive communications sent to customers:

I vulnerable customers they will have confirmation of their position and the Greater Protection Service. THE non-vulnerable customers they will be informed about the phases after 1 April 2024, with details on Gradual Protection Service.

In both cases, it is good to remember that the ttransition to the free market it is possible at any time.

In the photo a woman checks the temperature of the heating.

FAQ (Questions and answers)

When does the protected electricity and gas market for people with disabilities end?

The protected market ends in January 2024 for gas and in April 2024 for electricity. However, for people with disabilities recognized under Law 104, and for other users considered vulnerable, there will be a different procedure and the end of the protected market may not apply directly to them.

Who are the vulnerable people for the gas market?

For the gas market, vulnerable users are:

People in economically disadvantaged conditions (e.g. Energy Bonus recipients). Subjects with disabilities according to article 3 of law 104/92. Anyone who has a gas user in an emergency home due to natural disasters. People over the age of 75.

Who are the vulnerable people for the light market?

For the electricity market, vulnerable users are:

People in economically disadvantaged conditions. Subjects with disabilities according to article 3 of law 104/92. Who has an electricity user in an emergency home due to natural disasters. People over the age of 75. People with serious health conditions who require medical-therapeutic equipment powered by electricity. Who resides on an interconnected minor island.

What are managers communicating?

The managers are sending communications to families and condominiums who are still in the gas protection service. These communications highlight the possibility of choosing a free market offer. If the customer does not sign the new conditions proposed or a different contract, from January 2024 the service will be provided with conditions similar to the current offers of natural gas at variable prices. The customer can, in any case, choose another offer or supplier at any time.

What is the procedure and what happens to vulnerable people?

Vulnerable people will receive a specific communication that recognizes them as such and their users will follow a different path compared to the end of the protected market.

Luce: Vulnerable domestic customers will continue to be served by the enhanced protection service even after 1 April 2024. ARERA has postponed decisions regarding this category.

Gas: After 1 January 2024, vulnerable customers will move to the vulnerability protection service, which maintains the economic conditions set by ARERA, as currently in the greater protection.

If a person believes they are vulnerable but has not been recognized as such, they can submit a self-certification form to their supplier from September 2023. If a customer previously identified as vulnerable no longer meets the criteria, they can let the seller know. Vulnerable customers can still switch to the free market at any time if they wish.

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2023-09-28 05:41:01
#Electricity #gas #protected #market #disabilities

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