Ordinary people are all in favor of euthanasia or a law that regulates the end of life, but they are the politicians and perhaps not even the Church. The Church is obvious cannot after two millennia say it is obvious, but the Church is an institution. I am angry with both right-wing and left-wing politics that systematically look the other way. This is a highly divisive battle and I understand it; is it a border right, do we want to call it that? I am young and I have not experienced abortion, the struggles for abortion. I believe that here we are even further in terms of difficulty, but it must be addressed because there are thousands of sick people who suffer. If you don’t confront dear politicians, it’s not that those sick people no longer exist: it’s that you don’t look at them, they suffer in silence and this thing is incredibly cruel. So I am making an appeal here to both national politics to make a law that is truly appropriate, well-made at the end of life with all the safeguard criteria they deem necessary. And I, who live in Umbria and see the regional elections the day after tomorrow, make an appeal to the centre-left and centre-right candidates. Proietti and Tesei, so that whoever goes to the government of my region takes charge of a regional law that can be made without disturbing the Constitution but simply remaining within the limits of what is permitted by sentence 242. That is, improving the timing and procedures response for patients who request it. So, avoid other Laura Santi cases. Mine doesn’t have to be a “good Laura”, it has to be an example. My battle must be useful to others because in the end I tell them: on a bad day in the future I would also have organized myself abroad; it’s not my problem, it’s not mine the problem is no longer mine. If you take this case for example, think that there will be other people who suffer badly, they are so bad, they are alone and take it upon yourself to finally face this blessed problem. It is not a question of right or left, or do you hate Catholics, it is a question of human rights, it is a question of human rights and respect for suffering. Indeed, I believe that any politician, and I invite him, would get a crazy vote boost if a well-made end-of-life law was promoted.