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End of Accident Play in Bekasi, Pretending to be Drowning in Kalimalang for Insurance Claims of IDR 3 Billion

BEKASI, KOMPAS.com – The play of the four actors is over fake report in Muspika Sari Village, Mustika Jaya, Bekasi Regency. Their lie has been exposed.

Wahyu Suhada (35) together with three colleagues, Abdul Mulki (37), Dena Surya (25), and Asep Riak (35), faked events as if they had a traffic accident.

The four of them compiled accident scenarios and false reports in order to get Rp 3 billion as a life insurance claim.

Read also: Motorcyclist Drowning in Kalimalang River, SAR Team Deployed

Wahyu, who was the mastermind behind the fake accident, devised a scenario where he was hit by a Fortuner car while riding a motorcycle and was lost in the current in the Kalimalang river.

Bekasi Metro Police Chief Commissioner Gidion Arif Setyawan later stated that the perpetrator Wahyu was not missing in the Kalimalang river and is now on the wanted list (DPO).

“Until Sunday, June 5, Wahyu is still alive and in one place, he just hasn’t found out where he is,” said Gidion to reporters, Monday (6/6/2022).

Read also: The case of a motorbike driver who fell into the Kalimalang river after being hit by a Fortuner turned out to be engineering, the police hunted for the mastermind

Pretend to be hit and drift in Kalimalang

The engineering of the case began when Wahyu, together with Abdul Mulki, crossed the Kalimalang inspection road, Muspika Sari Village, Tegaldanas, Hegarmukti, Central Cikarang, Saturday (4/6/2022) in the morning at around 03.00 WIB.

As they passed, they acted as if they had been hit by a Fortuner car and the suspect, Abdul Mulki, threw himself into the Kalimalang river.

Meanwhile, Wahyu, fled by car and immediately left the scene.

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