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Encourage empathy and reading: The pandemic revealed new advantages of playing video games

Perhaps the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has generated a negative impact on the general economy of the world, however, the consumption of video game increased and that has brought some benefits to our society.

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Until a year ago, the WHO stated that addiction to video game it was a disease, but this year, this organization also tells us that ‘they are good’ to be able to overcome the confinement we are going through.

Now, a new study appears which presents a benefit that children are getting from video game during these days of lamentable confinement. According to the information revealed, now the youngest of the house have increased their interest in reading thanks to this hobby.

The new study comes from the UK and the National Literacy Trust, which examined nearly 5,000 gamers aged 11-16. According to the statement, 2 out of 5 players were more motivated to read about video game from sources such as news sites and books after playing.

Added to this, the study revealed that a whopping 73% of its players said that video game they made them feel part of a story, increasing their interest in narratives in a way that could potentially lead to reading or writing.

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Video games also help you put yourself in someone else’s shoes

Another interesting detail from this study that was carried out in the United Kingdom reveals that children now understand much better what it is to be in someone else’s shoes, generating greater empathy and emotions.

On the communications side, video game They also worked for the boys to be in greater contact with their friends while playing, so despite being separated, there was a bond that united everyone.

As if this was not enough, 60% of parents – who are the first to complain – found that having a chat in the video game He helped improve the mental health of his children.

Perhaps the criticism against video game do not cease, however, both economically and socially, this industry has benefited in recent months.


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