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Encounters between Acevedo Vilá and Jenniffer González by the Supplemental Social Security

Former Governor and candidate for Resident Commissioner Aníbal Acevedo Vilá stepped up to Commissioner Jenniffer González after he tell Metro that the federal government can revoke the determination, through the federal appeals court itself, under reconsideration “en banc”.

“Jennifer Gonzalez has said that now we have to wait for the Trump Administration to decide whether to appeal the decision.” There is no need for that wait. Jennifer González is the co-chair of the Republican Hispanic Committee for Pro-Trump. If Boston’s decision is a good one, what the Commissioner has to do is demand that the President and his Attorney General not ask for a review of the case. That would guarantee benefits for thousands of Puerto Ricans, ”said Acevedo Vilá.

The Boston Court of Appeals upheld the decision that island residents should be entitled to Supplemental Social Security

Boston’s decision stipulates that citizens residing in Puerto Rico have the same rights to receive Supplemental Social Security as residents in all fifty states, Washington DC and the Mariana Islands.

The popular leader said that through congressional legislation any challenge or revision by the Trump Administration to this decision would be academic. “For years, Democrats in Congress have pushed legislation to extend SSI to Puerto Rico. Republicans have been opposed. Following Boston’s decision, I make an offer to Commissioner González; If she gets the support of the Republicans in Congress, I guarantee her the votes of the Democrats and we are able to end this controversy immediately. With duly passed legislation, any appeal to the Supreme Court by the Trump Administration would die, “he said.

Given Acevedo Vilá’s proposals, the current commissioner stated that “it is pathetic to read the hypocritical and strictly political expressions of the candidate of the Popular Party to Washington,” González said in written statements.
It also reads:

“His record is more than clear, but I will remind him, he never did anything even when he was commissioner, much less as governor, to cause our people, who as a result of the colony that he supports and defends, to leave the poverty levels, “González said.

“What has been achieved with the decision in the Vaello case is fundamental in our fight for equality. It tells us all that the Acevedo Vilá and PPD neighborhood is demeaning,” he said.

According to González, Acevedo Vilá never sponsored projects to give him Supplemental Social Security. “He also did not go to court to seek that remedy. On his at-bat he never did anything to fight or achieve these benefits. Now he only thinks to feel relevant,” he concluded.

Watch the interview here:

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