Home » today » News » ENCE workers resume mobilizations in defense of the Lourizán factory | Radio Pontevedra

ENCE workers resume mobilizations in defense of the Lourizán factory | Radio Pontevedra

The union section of CC.OO in Ence take up the mobilizations before the imminent approval of the new climate change law in the second quarter of this year, in the Congress of the Deputation.

According to this union, if this law is approved, Ence would have only 12 more years of life in its current location in Lourizán and therefore, would have to close in 2033.

Workers’ Commissions maintains that article 18 of this law reinforces the acquiescence of the State Bar in the appeal of the extension that is still pending in the courts, presented by Greenpeace and the Asociación pola Defensa da Ría.

Rubén Fernández, from CC.OO affirms that the lack of investments in the factory is already being noticed in the face of such an uncertain future.

The mobilizations will begin tomorrow Friday with a march on foot from the factory to the Government Sub-delegation and every Friday there will be some mobilization. Ana Cedeira, from Ence’s Office Committee, announced the calendar. The following Friday, the 22nd, a concentration is scheduled in front of the Pazo Provincial, headquarters of the Pontevedra Provincial Council; and the following Friday, the 29th, they will organize a caravan of vehicles; On Friday, February 5, a new concentration will be held at the PSOE headquarters in Pontevedra, as they are older, another walk from Pontevedra to the PSOE headquarters in Santiago de Compostela is pending, which would be completed with a caravan of trucks.

According to these union representatives, in all the mobilizations called, a sanitary protocol will be applied taking into account the sanitary situation.

On the other hand, Ence’s management has developed a specific plan for training in sustainability among its employees, which in the past financial year 2020 reached nearly 1,000 people through online and face-to-face training that will continue this year until reaching to the entire workforce.

The energy and paper group indicated that sustainability is one of its strategic priorities, being included in the company’s mission and constituting one of the objectives of the strategic plan set for the 2019-2023 period.

Thus, the company has taken very important steps to advance in the transversal integration of sustainability as a strategic pillar of the company and, in order to take it to all areas of its activity, it created a governance structure that is part of the council of administration with a specific commission, and, at the end of 2019, established the General Directorate of Sustainability, led by the general secretary of the company, Reyes Cerezo.

Also in 2019 Ence approved approves its new Sustainability Master Plan, which in seven areas of work seeks to achieve a relevant position in the field of sustainability from the achievement of a series of strategic objectives.

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