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[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT] All the developments of the pandemic

Whether in Quebec or elsewhere on the planet, the COVID-19 pandemic has been disrupting our lives for several months.

Here you will find all the news throughout the day related to this crisis affecting the population, governments and the economy.



Case : 22 054 300

Death : 779 533


Case : 123 154, 61 252 in Quebec

Death : 9045, 5727 in Quebec

All news

21h47 | Argentina exceeds 300,000 contaminations


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

18h58 | A more human approach called for for the second wave

18h35 | COVID has cost at least $ 45 million to CEGEPs and universities


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

17h27 | A “reassuring” study on the risks of transmission of the coronavirus by plane


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

17h02 | COVID-19: twice as many new cases in Ontario as in Quebec


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

16h27 | The virus damage to jobs around the world


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

3:16 pm | A CHSLD under close surveillance in Lanaudière

15h13 | Study suggests certain antibodies protect against reinfection


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

12:27 | COVID-19: another game postponed for the Reds.


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

The game scheduled for Tuesday night between the Cincinnati Reds and the Royals in Kansas City has been postponed as a precautionary measure due to COVID-19.

Recently tested positive, a Reds player has already resulted in the postponement of two games scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, in Cincinnati, against the Pittsburgh Pirates.

While waiting for new results in the organization of the Reds, the Royals prefer to play it safe. The postponement of Tuesday’s match therefore sets the stage for a double program between these two teams on Wednesday at Kauffman Stadium.

12h26 | Lebanon reimposes a re-containment after a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases.


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

11h06 | COVID-19: 46 new cases and six additional deaths in Quebec.


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic


QMI Agency archive photo, Joël Lemay

11h05 | Quebec will hire 1,000 additional employees in the health network in anticipation of a second wave of COVID-19.


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic


QMI Agency archive photo, Joël Lemay

10h58 | Chinese COVID-19 vaccine soon to be tested in Pakistan.


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

10h54 | Coronavirus: Iran is awaiting WHO approval for the Russian vaccine to buy it.


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

9h45 | Western Canada: Evangelical event at the origin of 29 cases of COVID-19.

9h25 | COVID-19: Australia will produce the vaccine and provide it free to the population.


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

9h01 | Dubé plan for the 2nd wave: the measures must be implemented by September 30, 2020.

8h21 | Viruses in France: the mask will be “systematized” in companies.


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

8h16 | New Zealand: Ardern calls Trump’s statement on the virus “false.”


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

7h11 | Asia-Pacific: the coronavirus is spread by people under 50.


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

The coronavirus in Asia-Pacific is currently being spread by people under the age of fifty who sometimes do not know they are infected, the WHO said on Tuesday, warning of a “new phase” of the epidemic.

People who are asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms of COVID-19 are at risk of infecting elderly or vulnerable people, the WHO’s Western Pacific region director said during a virtual press briefing.

“The epidemic is changing. People in their 20s, 30s and 40s are increasingly at the origin of the threat, ”he said.

“Many not knowing they are infected, having only mild symptoms, if any.”

“We are not seeing a simple resurgence. I see it as a signal that we have entered a new phase of the pandemic in Asia-Pacific, ”continued Mr. Kasai.

Two-thirds of infections in Japan are in people under the age of forty, according to WHO data on the current phase of contagion.

It is also more than half of the cases in the Philippines and Australia.

“We must redouble our efforts to prevent the virus from reaching vulnerable populations,” Kasai warns.

Countries where the epidemic was under control like New Zealand, Vietnam and South Korea have detected new clusters, which has forced governments to re-enforce containment and social distancing measures in cities.

6:56 am | South Korea is stepping up measures in the Seoul area.


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

South Korea on Tuesday banned large gatherings and ordered nightclubs, museums and some restaurants in Seoul and its region to be closed due to an increase in coronavirus cases.

South Korea had so far succeeded in curbing the epidemic through a very extensive strategy of testing and tracing the contacts of those infected.

New sources of infection have recently appeared, most of them linked to religious communities.

The country reported 246 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, bringing the national toll since the start of the epidemic in February to 15,761 people carrying the virus.

This is the fifth day in a row where the number of contaminations has exceeded a hundred, after several weeks when the figures fluctuated between thirty and forty.

Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun said twelve categories of businesses considered to be high risk, including nightclubs, karaoke bars and buffet restaurants will close as of Wednesday in Seoul, Incheon and the province. neighbor of Gyeonggi.

Public establishments, such as museums, in this vast area, which represents half of the country’s population, will have to close their doors.

Gatherings of more than 50 people in an enclosed space are prohibited, as are gatherings of more than 100 people outside.

6:34 am | Victims of the coronavirus, the Marks and Spencer stores cut 7,000 jobs.

The Marks and Spencer chain of stores will cut 7,000 jobs due to a drop in footfall and the impact of the pandemic which is wreaking havoc on shops in the UK.

4:38 | Italy: managers refuse criminal liability in the event of contagion.


[EN DIRECT 18 AOÛT]  All the developments of the pandemic

Italian principals, already worried about the conditions of the start of the school year scheduled for September 14, demand that their criminal liability not be engaged in the event of contagion by covid-19 in their establishment, Italian media reported on Tuesday.

“It is urgent that the government insert in one of its next decrees an article revising the possibility of prosecuting directors in a possible case of COVID in an establishment”, explains the president of the National Association of principals, Antonello Giannelli, quoted by the daily Il Corriere della Sera.

“If the principals implement the health protocol, we should not accuse them of anything,” he justifies.

According to current guidelines, each establishment must have a room allowing the immediate isolation of suspected cases, but the principal does not have the power to decide on the possible closure of his establishment. “The decision is” up to local health authorities, says Giannelli.

In view of the start of the school year, all establishments must ensure a distance of at least one meter between the pupils, but “if we do not deliver the individual desks, it is obvious that the distance cannot be ensured”. However, the delivery of these desks must extend until October, which would force students to wear the mask all day by then.

“Arrange the classes so that the students are seated a meter apart is fine, but managing to ensure that they wear the mask all day … Already it’s difficult for us, imagine a little for the little ones! »Protested Mr. Giannelli.

2h26 | Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak has been infected with the coronavirus, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Michoustine announced on Tuesday.

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