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Emre manda in rovina Can…

Let’s find out together the Advances of Daydreamer of the episode of August 19, 2020. In this episode, Can discovers that Emre has tried to bribe a YRT executive. Fikri Harika is bankrupt.

Let’s see what the Advances of Daydreamer, for the bet of 19 August 2020. In theepisode airing at 14.45 on Channel 5, in the Aydin neighborhood the rumor circulates that Sanem has been targeted from mafia e Muzzaffer promises to protect the girl. in the meantime Can meets Murata, an old school friend of hers and general manager of YRT Holding. The manager informs the Divit that someone in his company has attempted to bribe his company’s administrative director and refuses to sign any contracts. Can, furious, realizes that behind all this there is the hand of Emre.

The mafia against Samen in this episode of Daydreamer on August 19, 2020

Rumors circulate fast in the Aydin family neighborhood. In fact, a badly spoken or half-heard sentence is enough to trigger gossip. Once again Sanem back in the eye of the storm and this time all her fellow citizens believe she got into trouble with the mafia. melahat in fact misunderstands a speech between Sanem and Leyla and begins to tell around that the young daughter of Nihat e Mevkibe be tormented by a mighty man. Muzzaffer, in alarm, he decides to defend his beloved from anyone who tries to put her in danger and ends up catching a large crab. It will begin to follow the driver of Fabri, just returned to Istanbul with a specific goal.

Daydreamer Advances: Can against Emre

It’s over between Can and Sanem and also Emre he is paying the consequences. Although the boy lied and did not reveal the whole truth to his brother, the Divits are on a collision course. Can in fact no longer trusts his beloved little brother and begins to suspect that he has been plotting behind his back on other occasions. Confirmation comes when Murata, the director of YRT introduces himself to Fikri Harika and tells Can that someone in his company attempted to bribe their CEO with a bribe. Discovered the deception, Murat is forced to tear off the contract with Fikri and report her for corruption. Can immediately realizes that behind all this there is the hand of Emre, who confesses everything!

Daydreamer previews: The return of Fabri

The Great idea is nei guai. Emre tried to bribe a YRT executive and sent the company bankrupt. Customers, having discovered the shady trades of the advertising company, are withdrawing from their contracts and Can does not know how to stem all this. Sanem is in pity for his love while Aylin gloats! Finally his rival is out of the game and Emre can be his partner in all respects. Meanwhile, he has returned to Istanbul Fabri. The manager has a specific purpose but Muzzaffer risks ruining everything, mistaking the French driver as a member of the mafia group that torments Sanem. We will see some good ones!

Let’s find out all the weekly advances of Daydreamer from 17 to 21 August 2020

Daydreamer – The wings of the dream airs every day from Monday to Friday all 14.45

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