EMPRESS hacker reportedthat the new crack for Monster Hunter Rise is almost ready and she is starting re-testing. To participate in the test, anyone can write to her in qTox. A previous hack attempt failed and EMPRESS even wrote that it might not be able to hack the game at all as Denuvo became too complex. However, with more effort, she seems to have succeeded. And having successfully hacked Monster Hunter Rise, she will be able to bypass protection in other games with the 16th version of Denuvo in the future.

Get ready, it’s time to hunt! In Monster Hunter Rise, the new game from the world-famous best-selling Monster Hunter, you will experience a story in which you become a hunter and go to explore never-before-seen maps and slay bloodthirsty monsters with an arsenal of weapons. In the PC version, among other things, special attention is paid to the optimization of graphics and performance. Monster Hunter Rise was released on PC on January 12, 2022 and is still unhacked to this day.