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Empowering Older Persons: The ‘By Your Side’ Project by Cáritas Albacete to Combat Loneliness

Today, October 1, we celebrate the International Day of Older Persons. Over the last few years, a rapid and progressive aging of society has been observed. More than 19 percent of the population of Albacete is over 65 years old. Older people have been hit by another pandemic: that of unwanted loneliness.

Faced with this reality, Cáritas Albacete accompanies and is close to older people through the ‘By your side’ project, with which it wants to strengthen their relational dimension, promote the maintenance of contact with their environment and alleviate the feeling of loneliness that on many occasions older people experience.

It is a team of volunteers who, individually and regularly, accompany people, always respecting their privacy and by mutual agreement. A way to promote participation, self-realization, and the emotional and spiritual well-being of older people, so that they feel more accompanied, strengthen their relationships, create new bonds and have a fuller life.

Older people who want to be accompanied can request it through the email [email protected], or by calling 967222600 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

#Accompanying #loneliness #Diocesan #Albacete

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