Building on the success of previous editions, the Employment Forum returns on May 11. Organized at the initiative of Montluçon Communauté, it will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Place Jean Jaurès in Montluçon with a focus on catering trades.
The forum will welcome visitors seeking employment and/or training, or seeking retraining who will be able to meet recruiters and partners present during the day.
For this meeting, many local actors will be present on about fifteen stands divided into 3 spaces:
• Partners area with the stands of Pôle emploi, the Allier Departmental Council and the Association for the Right to Economic Initiative (ADIE),
• the training area with the stands of the INFA Foundation, the ESRP La Mothe which will present their ”catering agent” and ”community employee” training courses, the Geneviève Vincent de Commentry high school on catering production and service; and the St Joseph de Montluçon high school for hotel and restaurant trades.
• Employers area with local businesses, restaurants El Padre, Mama Poule, The Scott Resto, Les 12 Apôtres; as well as temporary work integration companies and intermediary associations (IAE) such as Laser 03, Coup de main and ADEF.
Catering, a profession to discover
The catering sector is currently facing strong recruitment pressures. As in the building trades, the many prejudices are also responsible for recruitment difficulties. But today the sector is evolving and many received ideas no longer apply. The catering trades are not lacking in assets, they are trades of contact and conviviality which in particular present opportunities for career development.
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