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Employees should alert someone outside

Harassment at work

A National commission on Friday approved an initiative giving victims of harassment the opportunity to seek help outside their business.

Almost a third of women and 10% of men have been sexually harassed at least once in their working life.


Victims of sexual harassment should be able to turn to an external person in companies with more than 50 people. The competent National committee approved by 13 votes to 11 a parliamentary initiative in this direction.

Sexual harassment at work is a problem. Almost a third of women and 10% of men have been sexually harassed at least once in their professional life, recalls the author of the text, Flavia Wasserfallen (PS / BE), citing a study by the State Secretariat for Migration (SECO).

“Facilitate the fight”

It is very difficult for victims of sexual harassment to manage these stigmatizing situations, underlines the Bernese. According to her, someone outside the company can help them while avoiding difficult confrontations in the workplace.

The National Committee for Science, Education and Culture accepted it, without comment. On the other hand, she refused by 14 against 10 to follow up on the initiative of the canton of Geneva entitled “To facilitate the fight against sexual harassment”. The text asks that the reduction of the burden of the sentence also apply to sexual harassment.


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