Home » today » World » Employees of the Apple service center have leaked a photo of a naked client. The company paid her several million dollars

Employees of the Apple service center have leaked a photo of a naked client. The company paid her several million dollars

The incident took place back in 2016 in California. A 21-year-old student at the University of Oregon took her iPhone to a service center for repairs.

Two employees of the center found intimate photos and videos on her smartphone and published them on Facebook. The girl found out about this after acquaintances and friends who saw the publications told her.

The girl’s lawyers threatened Apple with a lawsuit and publicizing the incident in the media. As a result, the victim and the company came to an amicable agreement. The exact compensation paid to the student was not disclosed, but the documents say about “a multi-million dollar amount.” The lawyers demanded $ 5 million from the company.

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