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Employees at more than 50 Starbucks coffee shops in the United States seek to unionize

Employees at more than 50 Starbucks coffee shops are seeking to join the organization behind the bitter battle that led to the creation of the first union at a chain-operated establishment in the United States, announced on Monday Starbucks Workers United (SWU).

• Read also: The first union at Starbucks in the United States is born

The union’s victory in December in two cafes in Buffalo, a city on the border with Canada, aroused enthusiasm.

Even before the announcement of the results, the employees of three other establishments in the Buffalo area as well as a café in Arizona had asked to be able to organize votes in order to join the SWU. The elections, by correspondence, are in progress there.

Other stores then joined the movement: 32 have already filed a case with the American agency in charge of labor law (NLRB) and 16 others plan to do so, detailed SWU on Monday, stressing that they are distributed in 19 states.

“Our movement is only growing,” the union commented on its Twitter account.

The organization makes this inventory on the first day of negotiations between the management and the employees of the two unionized stores in Buffalo.

Under US law, the group has an obligation to “negotiate in good faith”, but not necessarily to reach a wage agreement.

The company, which had mobilized great resources to try to dissuade the creation of a first union, did not answer questions from AFP on the state of the discussions.

“We look forward to bargaining for a contract we can all be proud of,” Michelle Eisen, manager of Elmwood’s cafe in Buffalo and one of the union’s leaders, said in the statement.

“We also call on Starbucks to end its war on unions. You cannot sit at the bargaining table and bargain in good faith while actively and aggressively trying to discourage” other employees seeking to unionize across the country, she added.

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