Home » today » Business » Employee savings: strong growth in 2021, collective PERs are a great success (+15.6%), the key to efficient retirement savings

Employee savings: strong growth in 2021, collective PERs are a great success (+15.6%), the key to efficient retirement savings

Employee savings: Collective PEE and PER

Employee savings logically has the wind in its sails. The most efficient long-term savings there is, employee savings allows you to bet on both fronts: medium-term capital formation and long-term retirement savings. The deployment of PER Collectif, replacing PERCO, is a real success. The only downside to employee savings remains the deployment of this type of savings in small structures.

Employee savings in figures in 2021, outstandings

  • €167.6 billion in outstandings on employee savings plans and company retirement savings plans (+14% over one year and +7% annually since 2008)
  • 26 billion euros in collective company retirement savings (+15.6% over one year)

PER Collectif: beneficiaries in employee savings

1.75 million savers within PER Collectif (more than 50% of holders of company retirement savings, PERCO and PER Collectif combined)

Outstanding on the PER (retirement savings plan)

PER figures at the end of 2021
Total number of PER subscribed

4.30 millions

Total outstanding on PER

48.50 billion euros

Average outstanding amount per PER

11.279 €

(source: government)

Collection in employee savings in 2021

Savers invested 16.3 billion euros in 2021 (+200 million euros compared to 2020 and +700 million compared to 2019). The money-market portion now represents only 13% of outstanding employee savings!

Dominique Dorchies, President of the AFG’s Employee Savings and Retirement Commission: ” The year 2021 marks a change in the behavior of savers towards chosen and responsible savings, with strong growth in voluntary deposits (+24%). The adoption of the new collective PER as a tool for preparing for retirement is confirmed, with a sustained increase in deductible payments (54% of the total). Companies, for their part, continued to favor value-sharing systems, with an improvement in the rate of equipment. The support in 2022 from the public authorities will make it possible to continue to promote the development of retirement savings! »

Private equity as a source of potential strong performance

Alexis de Rozières, Vice-Chairman of the AFG’s Employee Savings and Retirement Commission: ” The massive adoption of Collective PERs, the use of FCPEs in Mandatory insurance or banking PERs and the maintenance of net inflows despite the health context in 2021 will have demonstrated the resilience of profit-sharing systems and the commitment to the governance model. FCPEs by companies. The year 2021 will also have marked a turning point in the adoption by Private-Equity funds of employee shareholding operations in FCPE by unlisted companies with the relaxation by the supervisory authority of practices in terms of the shareholders ».

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