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Emmendingen: News from the Paulus- and Stadtkirchengemeinde Emmendingen – church services and information from the church district until the end of September

Dear reader,

the bells beckon – in the towns and villages, here in Emmendingen and also at some holiday resorts, often several times a day, sometimes following on from very old traditions. The ringing of bells invites you to attend church services and liturgical celebrations. It sounds at certain times of the day or on commemorative occasions, for example after a disaster. The bells want to tempt one to pause, to connect with others, to align oneself with the divine mystery.

Let yourself be tempted. Step into the churches and chapels. Pray Or at least briefly interrupt your usual processes, notice what is happening and think of people who need special attention at the moment.
Life gets richer when we allow ourselves to be interrupted. With this in mind, we wish you and your loved ones a wonderful summer with relaxing breaks.

Cordially! Your Rita Buderer, Jonas Epperlein, Irene Leicht

P. s. Today, Friday, July 23rd at 6 p.m., the Evangelical Churches in Baden and the Rhineland are calling on their parishes to commemorate the victims of the flood disaster and to ring the bells – on the occasion of the flood disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia -Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate.

The appeal states: “The devastating flood disaster hit a great many people in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. The clean-up has only just begun. People have died or are still missing. Houses were washed away, livelihoods destroyed. In times of great need, when our human possibilities reach their limits, this is what we as a church can do. ”The bells of the town church in Emmendingen will ring. Let us show solidarity with the victims of this catastrophe in prayer!

Church services and spiritual evening music

July 25th (8th Sunday after Trinity)

10 a.m. Pauluszentrum with Rita Buderer

Music: Pauluschor under the direction of Ruth Uhlenhoff

10.30 a.m. Metzger Gutjahr Foundation with Rev. i. R. Klaus Broßys

Wednesday, July 28th (last day of school)

7 p.m. City Church: Sacred evening music “dancing pipes”

Music: Jörn Bartels; Text: Irene Leicht

Sunday, August 1st (9th Sunday after Trinity)

10 a.m. City Church – with baptism (Irene Leicht)

Sunday, August 8th: “As in heaven, so on earth”

10.15 a.m. ecumenical celebration in the Johanneskirche (Bürkle-Bleiche)

as part of the cultural summer (Irene Leicht, Stefanie Orth and Herbert Rochlitz)

Wednesday 11th August

5 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. – 8 p.m .: City Church: Sacred evening music
Well-tempered piano by JS Bach (different keys each): Preludes and fugues in major and minor, played by Jörn Bartels; Well-tempered texts: Irene Leicht

Sunday, August 15 (11th Sunday after Trinity)

5 p.m. City Church: Sacred evening music (Irene Leicht)

Sunday, August 22nd (12th Sunday after Trinity)

10 a.m. Pauluszentrum (Rita Buderer)

Sunday, August 29th (13th Sunday after Trinity)

10 a.m. City Church (Rüdiger Schulze)

Sunday, September 5th (14th Sunday after Trinity)

10 a.m. Pauluszentrum (Rita Buderer)

Sunday, September 12th (15th Sunday after Trinity)

5 p.m. City Church: Sacred evening music (Irene Leicht)

Sunday, September 19th (16th Sunday after Trinity)

10 a.m. City Church – with baptisms (Irene Leicht)

Sunday, September 26th (17th Sunday after Trinity)

10 a.m. Pauluszentrum (Irene Leicht)

5 p.m. City Church: Sacred evening music (Irene Leicht)

Thursday September 30th

6.30 p.m. City Church: Requiem for refugees (interreligious)

House services can still be found on the homepage. Copies to take away and celebrate at home are available in the town church and in the Pauluszentrum.

If possible, please bring a completed registration form with you. And wear an FFP-2 or surgical mask. Please register in advance for the afternoon and evening celebrations in the town church. Online (see homepage) or by phone at 07641 8704.

Special notes and information

Monday, July 26th, 7 pm: “Nomadland” – in the “Cinema and Church” series
Tickets available from www.cinemaja.de; followed by a film talk

Thursday, July 29th, 3.30pm-4.30pm: “Frog King”, told by Sylvia Böhm
for children of kindergarten and primary school age at Mensch paulus. Then the children can act out the story as an impromptu game. Registration is required (by e-mail or phone: Tel .: 0 76 41/9 68 95 40, mobile: 0176 – 62 76 54 88
Email: [email protected]; the number of participants is limited.
Summer break from Mensch Paul: 33rd week to 35th week

Wednesday, September 29, 6 pm: “Angels in Religions”
as part of the intercultural week; with INTRE (Interreligious Trialog Emmendingen), at the Angel of Cultures on Schlossplatz

Looking for a tenant? – an initiative by “Housing for All”
We at “Wohnraum für alle” will work with you to find the right tenants for your property, support you with the rental and accompany you through the rental process. The initiative is supported by the Diakonisches Werk Emmendingen in cooperation with the city of Emmendingen, the Caritas Association Emmendingen, the Evangelical Church District Emmendingen, the Catholic pastoral care unit Emmendingen-Teningen, the agj – Professional Association for Prevention and Rehabilitation in the Archdiocese of Freiburg eV – House Eliah – WLH Emmendingen, the Städtische Wohnbaugesellschaft Emmendingen mbH, the Freundeskreis Asyl eV and the Protestant parish of Emmendingen.

You can find detailed information about the project at https://www.diakonie-emmendingen.de/html/initiative_wohnraum_fuer_alle.html
Contact: [email protected]; Phone: 076 41 / 9185-0

Life is change – also in the church: information from the church district

The social changes do not stop at our church and the communities. Due to demographic change and the many people leaving the church, we are becoming significantly smaller. According to forecasts, the decline in parish members in the Emmendingen church district from 2000 to 2030 will be around 13,000 people. That means: instead of 53,000, there will only be around 40,000 parishioners in 2030.

The human and economic basis for our work is becoming significantly smaller. In addition, fewer young people from the parishes and schools decide to choose a theological training path to become a pastor or parish deacon. And: in relation to the number of members, we have to maintain twice as many buildings today as in the 1960s.

For this reason, the regional synod has given the church districts the task of submitting a concept by the end of 2023 as to how around 30% of the positions can be cut and buildings given up by 2035.

Life is change – we want to ensure that this change remains clear: There will continue to be reliable contacts on site. Nobody should have to search long if contact with the congregation or the pastor is desired. At the same time, not all communities will be able to do everything. There is a chance to use your own strengths to set priorities that are also of interest to the neighboring communities. The still legally independent communities will work more closely together in team communities and regions. And it’s nice to receive support and to give it yourself.

Life is change – we have reason to be confident: Corona has shown how committed and quickly full-time and voluntary employees can adapt to a new situation. The creativity with which new forms of worship and community work have been developed since March 2020 make us optimistic about future challenges.

These challenges also include advocating the importance of church membership more aggressively and broadly. Research this summer found that many who quit the Church still find them important. This is difficult to understand because these withdrawals further restrict the capacity of the church and diakonia to act.

But what would a society be without the broad and continuous memory of faith, hope and love?
What would it be without the comfort, confidence and cohesion that we draw from our Christian faith?
Life is change – for this change we ask God for constructive, further ideas and you, dear reader, for your support and your prayers.

Further current information on the homepage: www.evangelisch-in-emmendingen.de

Parish office: Hebelstr. 2a, 79312 Emmendingen Tel: 07641-8704
Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Donation accounts

City church: Volksbank Breisgau Nord
IBAN: DE10 6809 2000 0039 4039 35

Paulus: Sparkasse Freiburg Nördl. Breisgau
IBAN: DE 77 6805 0101 0020 0415 75

Kantorei: Volksbank Breisgau Nord
IBAN: DE78 6809 2000 0001 5181 00

Pauluschor: Volksbank Breisgau Nord
IBAN: DE 45 6809 2000 0009 4045 03

(Info: Evangelical Church Emmendingen)

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