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Emmen Council approves mix plan for football stadium, main sports hall and new school

Practically the entire city council allows trading at De Meerdijk Sports and Business Park. This means that a new football stadium has joined the new building for Carmel College and the main sports hall a big step closer. The city can now market the plan to potential investors.

Sports consultant Pascal Schrik, together with the parties involved, investigated the financial feasibility of this plan. This combination plan includes around 140 million euros. The biggest price tag hangs on the stadium. That must cost sixty million euros.

The new school building and the top sports hall will cost 55 million euros. The rest is needed for infrastructure and land acquisition, among other things.

With the expansion of activities, commercial activities, such as large-scale DIY stores, catering, bike shops and supermarkets, will soon be allowed on the Meerdijk. A necessary step to finance the stadium, because the city will only invest in the school and the top sports hall.

The map-out course received good support from the council. Consultant Rene van der Weide from Wakker Emmen summarized the expected benefits. Including the economic boost it will bring to the region: “600 new jobs and 10 to 15 million euros as a result.”

As well as housing opportunities for the Angelslo area on the sites of the current gym (joining the upper gym) and where Carmel College currently stands. “The saying is now or never applies here. “

The PvdA was also satisfied with the plan. According to Arno de Vries, Meerdijk will soon be created which will give Emmen the face it deserves. Melvin Tuik (CDA) expects the main sports hall to put Emmen prominently on the map as a sports district.

The PVV, although positive, shares the concerns of De Koepel’s business association. The Emmer shopkeepers’ association fears that a trade license on the Meerdijk will have a negative impact on the middle class in the city centre. “Consult with the sellers about the items that are and are not allowed,” advised group president Klaas Bosma.

Hart voor Emmen was completely against the proposal. “Let’s not follow all commercial promises like a bunch of blind chickens,” said party leader Robert de Jong. His group was completely opposed to the expansion of the zoning plan. “Soon they will have a party on the Meerdijk and there will be gaps and an aging population in the city centre. We will put part of Emmen on the map and move another part off the map.”

Hart voor Emmen introduced a change at the last minute, which caused some irritation. By this means he hoped to expand activities from the plan. No organization supported this.

Councilor Pascal Schrik said he was pleased with the broad support for the plan. The biggest concern, a negative impact for retailers in the center of Emmen, has been carefully considered, according to Schrik. “For that reason, we do not allow sales related to sports, because this could have a negative impact on the center of the city. We have left that.”

The general also did not want to change Hart voor Emmen. This destroyed the foundation of the plan. Not that this had any effect on the outcome of the vote. With the exception of Hart voor Emmen, everyone voted for.

Chairman Jos Schomaker, chairman of the De Koepel dealer association, responded with disappointment to the council’s decision. Unfortunately, that’s what he calls it. He also says that he has no confidence in the operation of the plan.

A completely different sound comes from general manager Rinse Bleeker of FC Emmen. “This step makes it possible for us to build more so-called sky boxes in the new stadium, which will allow us to generate more income,” he explains. plus this makes the rental price of our stadium affordable. Without this additional income, a new stadium is impossible.”

A new stadium is a necessary step if Emmen wants to host professional football. Without investments, the current Emmer football field will not be able to meet the requirements of the KNVB in the long term. As a result, the club loses its license. The club itself is financially unable to take this step. That money has to come from third parties.

Councilor Schrik previously confirmed that no final decision has yet been made regarding construction with this measure. Rather a step forward in that regard. Final decisions will not be made until 2025 or 2026 at the earliest. So it is expected to take another five years before the first shovel is dug.

2024-09-26 20:11:55
#Emmen #Council #approves #mix #plan #football #stadium #main #sports #hall #school

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