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Emmanuel Macron’s program, which continues its consultations this Monday

LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP Emmanuel Macron continues his consultations with a view to appointing a new Prime Minister this Monday, August 26.


Emmanuel Macron is continuing his consultations with a view to appointing a new Prime Minister this Monday, August 26.

POLITICS – A busy agenda. Emmanuel Macron must continue his political consultations this Monday, August 26, with a view to finally appointing a new Prime Minister. After meeting Friday with leaders of the left, the right and his own camp, the President of the Republic is meeting this Monday with the leaders of the extreme right, as well as the presidents of the Assembly and the Senate.

This new day of negotiations at the Élysée Palace should thus open at 9:30 a.m. with a meeting with Yaël Braun-Pivet, the president of the National Assembly. Her counterpart in the Senate, Gérard Larcher, will close the day with a final meeting at 5:00 p.m.

The main meeting on the presidential agenda will however be the interview with Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella at 10:45. The leaders of the National Rally will be followed at 12:00 by their new ally Éric Ciotti. The extreme right, which has given up on Matignon after its defeat in the legislative elections, will have the opportunity to remind the head of state of its refusal of a left-wing government with Insoumis or ecologist ministers.

A threat of censorship that is added to those coming from the right and the center, which Jean-Luc Mélenchon hoped to defuse during the weekend by opening the door to a non-participation of LFI: a pledge of goodwill to allow the nomination to Matignon of Lucie Castets, candidate designated by the New Popular Front.

NFP program at the heart of discussions

This political coup was unanimously welcomed on the left, because it pushed its opponents to reveal themselves. And to admit, like François Bayrou on Sunday on LCI, that “ opposition to the formation of a government around LFI” is justified “ mainly because of the program” of the NFP, which is according to him “ dangerous for the country”.

“This is a program that, if implemented, would cause a crisis.”also predicted the leader of the Horizons deputies, Laurent Marcangeli, promising in The Figaro to oppose it “ with all the instruments that the Constitution offers us”.

Basically, for all those who spoke with Emmanuel Macron on Friday, “ the subject is as much the LFI ministers as the strict application of an NFP program itself inspired by LFI”sums up a close friend of the head of state.

Red line that turns scarlet for Laurent Wauquiez: the leader of the Republican Right deputies reaffirmed on Sunday his desire to “ to block » to LFI, from his point of view “ “probably the greatest political danger for our country”. More than the RN therefore, whose abstention remains essential in order to install a centre-right government and pass a budget before the end of the year.

Emmanuel Macron could still delay his decision

The 2025 state budget will have to be presented before October 1st, which requires Emmanuel Macron to quickly appoint a successor to Gabriel Attal, who has been managing day-to-day affairs at Matignon for 41 days now, something never seen since the post-war period.

The president, who was celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Paris on Sunday, seems tempted to play extra time. After a heartfelt tribute to “ all those who shared a certain idea of ​​Franceand knew how to unite “ beyond all divisions”he could speak again on Monday, before new consultations which would be organized on Tuesday, according to the Élysée.

A speech “ necessary “said François Bayrou, who also expects the head of state to “ consult a little more widely ». At the risk of further delaying the decision, knowing that Emmanuel Macron must participate on Wednesday in the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games, before flying off for a visit to Serbia on Thursday and Friday. This would not be to the liking of the NFP, which has demanded that he “ a response Tuesday »as reported by the leader of the environmentalists Marine Tondelier.

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