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Emmanuel Macron urges companies and employees to continue their activity

Emmanuel Macron, October 29, 2019 in Paris. – Ian LANGSDON / POOL / AFP

Despite the difficulties caused by the coronavirus epidemic and containment measures,
French President Emmanuel Macron, urged, this Thursday, companies and employees to continue their activity “in compliance with health safety rules”.

The head of state called for “corporate civic responsibility for continue their activity when possible “And on” the importance for employees
companies that have complied with health rules to go and work on the production sites, “said the Elysee Palace after a videoconference between Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and several ministers.

Priority pharmaceutical, chemicals and food packaging

This working meeting, entitled “Task Force Economy”, brings together the Prime Minister and the Ministers of the Economy, Public Accounts, Labor, the Ecological Transition, and Agriculture and Food. Its aim was to consider “the appropriate measures” to be taken “In the face of the difficulties encountered by important economic sectors to ensure business continuity, after the downturn of many employees in the private sector, in the production and distribution sector, who apply containment measures, “said the Elysee.

It also had to be “an overview of support measures for businesses in the so-called essential sectors”. The priority concerns in particular the sectors of the pharmaceutical industry, chemicals or food packaging.

Companies with masks must donate them

Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Wednesday that the workforce was starting to run out in mass distribution and transport, as workers fear for their health, even if the stores remain well supplied.

During the meeting, the establishment of “an operational administrative task force to meet the needs of businesses: movement of employees, application of labor law, partial activity, taxation …” was also to be discussed. The executive is also once again appealing to “companies that have stocks of masks to put them back into circulation in the state-run supply chain”.



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